»Dream Dictionary»White Mouse in Dream
White MouseDreaming of a white mouse means that you are afraid without good reason.......
MouseTo dream of white mice, suggests you will be afraid without a reason why.......
White dressTo dream about a young woman that bears white clothes, suggests a wedding.......
White Wedding DressTo dream of a white wedding dress is a sign of purity and a guiding light to a clear purpose.......
WhiteTo dream of white , means you are to progress, enjoy good health, achievement, joy and love.......
Sex dreamBeing an observer in a sexual dream means difficulties will come from your own indecision and inertia.......
MouthDreaming that you see a mouth , indicates that you must be moderate in what you talk about.......
MoundTo dream of any mound , means that the difficulties of your work place will further ambition and will give you a new....
In loveIf you see lovers in your dream , it means that your relationship in the family will be strengthened and you will m...
In-lawsIf you dream of your in -laws - you will worry, if you talk to them – danger is lurking.......
break inDreaming of a break in at your house, then you have to protect your dreams at your place of work, but also to care.....
WhineTo dream that you whine , suggests in reality you will use small lies.......
Bride in a black dressIf you dream of a bride in a black dress , portends misery and sorrow.......
White hairTo dream you have white hair, means you will have great wealth and happiness.......
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