The relations between an Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man can be described as highly exciting. These two characters from the zodiac have quite different views about life but are a successful couple when brought together.
The Aquarius woman is fully satisfied by the adventurous spirit of the Sagittarius man. She has strange desires and the fact that he would never turn her down makes her truly happy. In general, this couple doesn't care much for planning weeks in advance of what will happen when.
But even so, in the few rare cases where both of you have planned something to happen the next day, your plans change at the last minute.
The good thing is that the drastic change of plans doesn't bother you, especially if you are together. Another thing that complements you is your sense of humor. The Aquarius woman does not accept that there are people in the world without a sense of humor. However, she is convinced that a great number of men do not possess this quality that she values.

The fact that the male Sagittarius has a sense of humor and even self-irony, makes her happy to no end.
There will also be chemistry on an intellectual level - there will be many subjects you can discuss, that you are both interested in. If you are looking for philosophers among the zodiac signs - look no further than the Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman.
Sexually, you will both give that which you are seeking and you will feel great. The reason for this is that you both fully trust each other and have quickly discovered certain unwritten rules.
Marriage between an Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man is not a bad idea - you will love, respect and help each other. Problems can arise if one of you misplaces the trust of the other - both representatives of this sign are incapable of forgiving treachery and lose their trust in the other completely.