Sapphire is considered a stone of loyalty, modesty and chastity. This is a transparent corundum in blue. Its unique sapphire color is due to the content of titanium and iron.
The other color tones are called fancy. Sapphire is considered the symbol of the celestial dome, stone of meditation and contemplation.
The priests of the temple of Jupiter always wore sapphires in stone. Decorated with sapphires, are also the clothes of clergy in India. Sapphires have decorated the crown of Cleopatra.
It is believed that the blue color of sapphire and its energy field has a calming effect, eliminates nervous excitement and raging passions. Sapphire is considered the stone of virginity.

This stone is known as the stone of the nuns, as has the ability to cool passion. The therapeutic effect of sapphire is very wide, it is used for rheumatic pain, spine disorders, neurological pain and hysteria.
It is recommended that sapphire be worn on a chain in gold plating. This stone protects against falseness and fear, Prevents black magic, Heart disease and is a good blood purifier.
It gives power to help travel and business trips. Sapphire is not recommended for people without will and initiative, as it will further inhibit their performance.
Sapphire owes its name to the Greek word sapfeyros, which means blue gemstone. When heated, gray sapphires are bright blue. In some countries, sapphire is used for diseases of the ear. Sapphire affects the heart chakra.
A ring, or necklace with sapphires help long marriage and true love. Sapphire is a powerful tool for people who are born under the sign of Sagittarius.