»Articles»Mysteries»Bath with dill for magic of love

Bath with dill for magic of love

Bath with dill for magic of love

If you want to lure a man into your bed for love or for fun then do magic with dill. Although we are accustomed to seeing dill in salads and dishes, dill has a powerful force for unleashing energy.

To attract love and passion for yourself, you need 1 tablespoon of chopped dill, half a tablespoon of rosemary leaves and half a teaspoon of lavender color. Ideally all the ingredients are freshly picked, but dried is accepted.

You will also need a previously prepared fine gauze bag, which to put the ingredients. After this you can begin with filling the bath with warm water and leave the bag loaded with the flavor and a strong love energy. Thus, the water will remember all the properties of the plants and will deliver them.

When you lie down in the bathtub, open all the cells of your body for the energy of the herbs, allowing your own energy to merge with that of the plants. Now you are able to connect the two energies in one, your body emits a powerful "alarm" that will attract men to you.
