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A Bear Hero Saves a Crow from Certain DeathA bear from the zoo in Budapest became a true hero, after it saved a drowning crow that fell in the water basin of its enclosure by accident....
06 Aug.
Symbolism of DolphinsThe dolphin is a symbol of salvation, inspired by the ancient legends about how dolphins have rescued people from drowning in the sea....
07 Oct.
Diseases Send us Signals While We SleepIf your respiratory system is under threat, you may dream that you are being buried alive or that you are drowning....
18 Mar.
Paleontologists Find a Dinosaur Larger Than a Boeing 737Experts believe that the herbivorous dinosaur died due to drowning and was most likely unable to grow to its maximum size....
10 Sept.
The Lake Which Turns Animals to StoneIn actuality, the birds which were unable to cross the lake had fallen into it and therefore died - either drowning or dying from exhaustion....
08 Aug.
Incidents Proving the Existence of LevitationThe Italian monk, Benedict of Nursia, described how one of his students once saw a drowning child....
11 Sept.
The Myth of the Punishment of TantalusOnly the goddess Demeter, who was drowning in sorrow over her daughter Persephone, unwillingly ate the shoulder of the boy....
05 Apr.
The Most Painful Ways to DieHypothermia, hunger and drowning during a storm - these are just a few of the ways to die if you survive a sinking ship and are left floating in the ocean....
19 Jan.
Which Mythological Villain are you Based on Zodiac Sign?If you're drowning, they will help you reach the bottom more quickly, telling you the whole time how lucky you are to have fallen in that exact lake....
04 June
Your Numerological Horoscope Until July 22Don't be like the drowning man that clutches at a straw when it comes to opportunities. Some of the ideas are not rational or safe. Analyze them a bit more carefully and don't rush to act.
17 July
Regression therapy: who were we in our past lives?After spending a few days in the General Bureau for registration of births, deaths and marriages, Andrew and Margaret finally found the death certificate of Robin Stafford, where it says that death actually occurred by drowning...
17 Sept.
Find out your Weekly Numerology Horoscope Until January 29In terms of your past, you're like a drowning man clutching at a straw and it's about time you let it go. Many of your perceptions, relationships and prosperity are on their way to growth....
23 Jan.