»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming of Falling Into mud
MudTo dream of mud , suggests you are likely to get sick. To dream you are anointed with mud , means you are happy.......
Falling into a shaftTo dream that you fell into a pit, signifies that you will get the better of a person which you compete with, or an....
Falling into a wellTo dream that you fall into a well, indicates that you should be cautious or tense, as survival is quite possible, as....1
FallingDreaming of falling leaves, suggests grief and sadness to the heart.......2
Mud waterTo dream of mud in the water, means you take the trouble and care.......
Mud bathIf you dream of mud baths, means good health.......
Falling starsIf you see in your dream falling stars, the loss of a loved one may be coming.......
falling teethTo dream that you have falling teeth, suggests that you shall learn of someone's death.......
Falling starTo dream that you see a falling star, indicates that you may be losing a close one.......
Hair falling outA dream of hair falling out, means you will be exposed.......
Teeth falling outTo dream that you tooth falls out, suggests that you will learn about someone's death. To dream that your molar or......
Falling in loveIf you dream that you are in falling in love, they will abandon or neglect you.......
Falling from highDreaming of falling from high above the ground, suggests that you should not be waiting for anything better as you w...
Loss of memoryTo dream you suffer from memory loss, suggests showing more patience and compassion to you relatives and acquaintances.....
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