»Dream Dictionary»Dream Meaning of Green Water
Green waterIf you see green water in your dream, or muddy water , expect health problems. Be careful and alert.......
dream of waterIf you dream of a water source drying up, it is never nice. Expect poverty and trouble of all kinds.......
Glass of waterDreaming of a glass of water means your health is excellent.......
GreenTo dream of green grass, water , clothing or eyes means you will have peace, comfort and harmony.......1
WaterBeware of theft and treachery. If you bury a container of water in the ground, you are in great danger!......
GreedTo dream that you are greedy , means you will harm yourself with your thoughtless actions.......
GreekVisiting Greece in a dream means that you will conclude a bargain for a property.......
Green beansTo dream of green beans, means you will lose a large sum of money.......
Green plumsIf you dream that you eat green plums you are to grieve for one's mistakes.......
Green peppersTo dream of sweet green peppers, means you will have good health.......
Green onionsTo dream of green onions, means your grief.......1
Green colorIf you dream of green flowers, it indicates you wait for a nice future.......
Green MeadowTo dream you walk, sleep or have a bed in a green meadow tells you, you will realize your intention and you will profi...
Green chilliesIf you dream of green chilies, you'll find bad news.......
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