»Dream Dictionary»Dream Meaning of Green Water
- Green waterIf you see green water in your dream, or muddy water , expect health problems. Be careful and alert.......
- dream of waterIf you dream of a water source drying up, it is never nice. Expect poverty and trouble of all kinds.......
- Glass of waterDreaming of a glass of water means your health is excellent.......
- GreenTo dream of green grass, water , clothing or eyes means you will have peace, comfort and harmony.......1
- WaterBeware of theft and treachery. If you bury a container of water in the ground, you are in great danger!......
- GreedTo dream that you are greedy , means you will harm yourself with your thoughtless actions.......
- GreekVisiting Greece in a dream means that you will conclude a bargain for a property.......
- Green beansTo dream of green beans, means you will lose a large sum of money.......
- Green plumsIf you dream that you eat green plums you are to grieve for one's mistakes.......
- Green peppersTo dream of sweet green peppers, means you will have good health.......
- Green onionsTo dream of green onions, means your grief.......1
- Green colorIf you dream of green flowers, it indicates you wait for a nice future.......
- Green MeadowTo dream you walk, sleep or have a bed in a green meadow tells you, you will realize your intention and you will profi...
- Green grassYou see lush, green , young grass, then you are happy in your family.......
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