You have a particularly productive day ahead of you. You'll be in your element until noon. Between noon and 2:30 pm. you're going to feel a certain lethargy and lack of desire to work. You're going to have to overcome obstacles but in some cases you're going to have to wait and stand back.
Don't give up on your goals. You're going to lose steam only temporarily and your day is going to pick up again after 3 pm. Until tonight, you can take maximum advantage of the positive aspect between Mercury and Jupiter.
Any kind of administrative, educational and scientific work, as well as meetings and contracts, will be successful. Plan trips and vacations. Buy tickets, make reservations.
Everything has its limits, including pleasure. You need to be decisive in your work tasks. Changes lead you to new successes and heights. Contacts are indicative of how you should act. Your mood is beyond excellent, however, obstacles can quickly change this and anger you. Aggression is unnecessary.
Your day is devoted to important tasks and meetings. You're prepared for active work and physical strain. Don't impose your opinions and ideas if you want things to run smoothly. You'll overcome all difficulties without any problems only if you work with those who understand the nature of your work. Tasks and everyday chores of all kinds stir up excitement. Act boldly in order to conquer it.
Friday is going to be one nice and calm day. New opportunities for work on future projects will appear before you. You're developing your endeavors in such a way that they're going to bring you long-term earnings. Restraint takes things up a level. Your personal stability and responsibility are increasing. The day presents conditions for realizing all work tasks and issues of the material aspect. The day is going to place excessive demands on you however.
Avoid wars of words. Pleasant moments are possible. It is of vital importance that you look good today. You're in a strange mood that's easily changing. You have a tendency to give in to your own weaknesses. You're tired but you're doing a great job with your work assignments. Your planned meetings and conversations are going to be unsuccessful.
The day is perfect for anyone who's looking for the nonstandard approach to life. Cheating is possible. Let things be. Don't allow intrusive and negative thoughts to control your life. Most of you are in an excellent mood. You're going to take on more things than you can actually finish. But you'll still handle everything.
Your weaknesses are coming out in the open. The day is stressing the fact that changes are beginning, which will pass through 2 stages before their full completion. The 1st is characterized by dynamic actions, which highlight your actual approach. The 2nd is a more relaxed one. Each and every one of your actions invokes the interest of others.
Competition leads to realistic benefits for you at the workplace. Take a serious look at the physical shape you're in. Your home and its vibe need to be renewed. For some, the day is going to be suitable for more serious work, especially if we're talking about calculations.
Today marks the beginning of one of the strongest periods for you this month. You're going to receive invitations and proposals which you would've never dreamed of. Unexpected visitations are also possible. Don't make important decisions - best if you leave those for tomorrow. Today you're going to realize what you want out of your personal life as a whole, and out of your partner in part. Have a restrained attitude and don't show emotions in your actions.
It is of prime importance that you differentiate between the facts and fabrications. Your intimate life brings many mixed emotions. Your confidence will grow at the end of the day. The stars advise that you be just a tiny bit more egotistical and think about your own priorities and benefits. There's a danger of causing problems for yourself if you don't conquer the bad mood that's taken over and if you don't exhibit patience.
You're going to try to fit your dreams within realistic boundaries. Don't be overly greedy. The conversations you had planned are unsuccessful. The day is going to be an exceptionally calm one. Most of you are going to devote it to art. Work-related assignments today are going to be interesting and dynamic.
Forget about active initiatives. Try to achieve the maximum with minimal resources and efforts. Don't take risks and focus on your routine. The day is favorable and brings financial and other kinds of gains. Don't resist the urge, give yourself a breather. As the situation develops you're going to receive the opportunity to make agreements. Plan your future partnerships.
The cosmic energy is changing today. The day allows for you to realize your mistakes and find the fault in yourself. Prepare to relax in the evening. Today you're going to lay the foundations for your journey from here on out. Changes in circumstances require that you change your strategy. This is going to bring a certain amount of anxiety, which you're going to overcome quickly.