Today you're going to have to look for balance in communication because the Moon is in Libra, plus it's going to form tense aspects with Uranus. Avoid complex relationships and try to simplify your communication to the maximum.
Try to accept everything that's happening to you with a sense of ease, and don't focus too much on the little things. Be maximally discrete and avoid gossip and drama because there's a danger of causing intrigues and bringing troubles down on yourself.
Aries - Today is one of your lucky days. You're going to be as carefree as a child and even the little remarks at work won't be able to darken your good mood. Try to spread this feeling to others and you'll see what a wonderful place your world will become.

Taurus - Avoid giving advice to your friends and coworkers today because you're not going to have the correct assessment of the situation they have fallen into. Try to distance yourself from their problems as much as possible and even if they ask for an opinion, avoid making a comment.
Gemini - You're going to end up between a rock and a hard place today. Conflicts between your relatives or coworkers are possible. The stars advise you not to choose a side but rather to try to restore harmony in their relations, without resorting to extreme measures.
Cancer - Because of your scatterbrains you're going to stir up real chaos around yourself, which people around you won't like at all. It's nigh time you finally become more responsible and organized. Otherwise you're going to face even more serious problems in the future.
Leo - It'll be best for you if you appear as an egotist today. Forget about others and dedicate the day to yourself and your own needs. Focus on a favorite activity or rediscover a forgotten hobby of yours. Lately you've been needing more time to yourself, so this short escape from reality will do you good.
Virgo - Be careful with your tone today and especially with the jokes you make at others when they are absent. It's possible that your behavior gets misinterpreted and you bring problems on yourself. To avoid getting to that point, act temperamentally and avoid commenting the actions of others, especially if they don't affect you directly.

Libra - Today you're going to be filled with enthusiasm and easily handle given tasks. But unlike you, your coworkers are going to be in a negative mindset and because of it you're going to face difficulties when working on joint projects. Your job is to motivate them a bit more and get them to look at the situation from a different angle.
Scorpio - An unexpected event is going to take you out of your comfort zone and make you find new meaning in your life. This change will make you a better and more aware person and fundamentally alter many of your views so far.
Sagittarius - You're forced to pay more attention to the details because that indeed is the key to success. This may seem annoying and unneeded at first but soon you'll notice the better results.
Capricorn - Problems with your relatives are possible today, born out of financial hardships. Try to decrease your spending and make only important investments. Also consider extra work.
Aquarius - There's a high chance someone tries to swindle you today. That is why the stars recommend you keep your eyes peeled and not take unnecessary risks. Avoid making important deals with partners you don't know that well.
Pisces - Representatives of this zodiac sign have been thinking about starting new projects lately but the stars advise they wait before realizing them. It's best if this happens after May 22, when the influence of retrograde Mercury won't be a factor. Until then, finish everything you've already started.