Water is health and vitality, it is the main source of life - something that can hardly be argued against. But water as most people know it comes in different types - they can be used for various health conditions and to help treat ailments.
Water is a miraculous substance that can save us from things we would least expect it to but in order for all this to happen we need to be familiar enough with the different types of water and their properties.
Water can be looked at based on different characteristics - structure, composition, taste and more. There exist various types of healing water, which really do help for all kinds of health problems.
1. Colloidal silver water - by dipping a silver utensil in water you will remove the viruses found in it. The reason behind this is that silver has a very strong antibacterial action, it has superb effects on little children and babies, as well as in adults.
2. Magnetic water - this type of water is drinkable and possesses stimulating properties. A magnetic field can alter the structure of the crystal lattice. It's extremely beneficial for high blood pressure, as well as for regulating metabolism.
3. Snow water - the goal is to freeze it and then thaw it, repeating this process several times. This will remove all chemical substances found in it. It is drinkable.

4. Electrolyzed water - it is divided into living and dead water. Living water is processed with positively charged ions, and dead water - with negatively charged ions, respectively. Living water is good for the overall energy of the body - it raises blood pressure, improves tone, charges with energy. Dead water raises blood pressure, improves sleep quality, has a strong disinfectant effect, gets rid of joint pain. Electrolyzed water is obtained through the process known as electrolysis.
The water we drink on a daily basis can be divided into mineral water, tap water or spring water. In turn these 3 types of water can be subdivided according to their mineralization - low, medium or high in minerals. It's recommended to consume mineral and spring water - it's best to alternate between the 2.
1. Mineral water - obtained at a depth between 984 ft (300 m) to 2296 ft (700 m).
2. Tap water - can come from just about any water source. It can have high or low mineralization.
3. Spring water - obtained at a depth of 328 ft (100 m) and can be used by babies and little children. It has low mineralization.