A Ouija board or spirit board, is a simple tool for conducting spiritual séances. Each board has letters and numbers written on it, as well as the words "yes", "no" and "goodbye". In addition there are 2 images - of the moon and sun.
When the spiritual ritual begins, all participants need to be very concentrated and keep quiet. The person leading the séance needs to place their fingers on the special pointer. The belief is that when the ghost comes it will move the pointer and thus answer the questions.
The séance begins by repeating the question, "Ouija, are you there? " multiple times until the pointer moves over to "yes". The next question is, "Where are you from? " This way you'll find out if the spirit is good or evil.
If it points to the sun it means the ghost is good but if it points to the moon it means it's evil. If it points to the moon, keep repeating "goodbye" until the pointer itself points to "goodbye".
When you happen upon a benign spirit, you can ask it all sorts of questions. It will answer by moving the pointer to letters and thus forming words.
However, if you get an evil spirit, there is a high possibility of it not wanting to leave. Because of this, using a Ouija board is considered quite dangerous and is not recommended for everyone.

There are numerous frightening stories related to Ouija boards. In them, usually the summoned ghosts refuse to leave, cause mischief, break objects and even possess people.
There are several variables to consider when working with a Ouija board. Some believe that all participants in the spiritual séance need to place their fingers on top of the pointer.
The internet also has a whole lot of videos that show a spirit moving the pointer without the aid of the participants. Most believe them to be fake.
Besides with a typical Ouija board, a séance of this sort can be done with a homemade board of the same type.