»Articles»Mysteries»The First School for Wizards Has Opened

The First School for Wizards Has Opened

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart

The first known official school for wizards, the "Grey School of Wizardry", is now fact. The institution was founded years ago by American Oberon Zell-Ravenheart in California.

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart is a real-life magician, having dedicated his life to the occult. And that was why he decided to open the first ever official school for would-be magicians. The academy, where the future colleagues of Harry Potter are being trained, goes by the name of the "Grey School of Wizardry".

"If you've ever read Harry Potter and wondered if wizards really do walk among us, perhaps behind a secret train platform, or in secret communities, I can tell you that we are absolutely real, " says Oberon in front of the Daily Mail.

There are 16 departments in the magic academy. Students there can study alchemy, cosmology and metaphysics, wizardry, herbalism and how to work with a magic wand.

During the learning process, students are split into 4 old-looking houses and practice various magics. The also learn how to shield themselves from dangerous black magic.

Taking Ancient Greek and Latin language classes are a mandatory part of the curriculum. Aside that, all of the world's mysteries and phenomena are studied at the school. The former teacher Oberon Zell-Ravenheart learned how magic worked long before J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter.

"In the magic community I'm referred to as the real Dumbledore. But before Harry Potter, people just called me Merlin, or Gandalf, " explains the eccentric Oberon.


According to the founder of the first-ever real school for magic, the news surrounding the latest Harry Potter film stirred the spirits so much that the interest toward studying magics has grown significantly.

The school for wizards initially offered classes online only. Over 800 Harry Potter fans had signed up for them.

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart hopes to attain the necessary accreditation from the authorities and offer his future spell casters a 4-year Masters program for wizards in real life situations.
