For a Gemini man to conquer a Leo woman, he must put in great efforts and above all, be prepared to do so. To have such a relationship, the Gemini must utilize every ounce of male strength. The Leo woman is not easily impressed and if you want her to be part of your life, it is necessary to put in efforts, to show all your good qualities.
At first glance, the lioness is in no way defenseless or naive - if you think that you can win her over in the same way as most other women, you are dead wrong. She has so many requirements and preliminary wishes, she always feels free and is never particularly sure. These traits of hers make her fascinating for Gemini men. She is single up until the point when she falls in love. It is difficult for it to happen, but if the Gemini man is able to make her fall in love with him, things change a little bit.

The Leo woman's blindness by love may only last a short while - and she once again looks at the bigger picture. Keep this treasure close by your side and give her the proper attention. The majority of things that she does for you, she does out of love, not because they come from within.
And if the Gemini man doesn't notice this and doesn't make her feel special - he has already lost her.

On the other hand, the charm of the male Gemini cannot remain unnoticed. He is used to drawing women's attention and a woman that reacts negatively is a real challenge for him.
It is difficult to know when he is in love; for it to happen, some time must pass. Do not mistake him having a fun time with you with love because the male Gemini is quite erratic and you may end up very disappointed. Both of you love being the center of attention.
If they are able to build a relationship between them, the Leo woman and Gemini man will go through all kinds of things to maintain their relations. Both zodiac signs have the capability of falling in love extremely deeply - if you are devoted to each other, your connection will be successful.
Your relationship can be over in an instant if one of you allows a third person to stand between you. If some representatives of the other zodiac signs try to get past what has happened, to make a compromise, to forgive, when it comes to Leo and Gemini, especially when pertaining to cheating, things are black and white.