»Articles»Read your Daily Horoscope for December 12

Read your Daily Horoscope for December 12


Throughout the day, it would be best if we began dealing with our unfinished tasks and tried to uphold old promises. Be fair to those around you if you'd like them to take your words seriously in the future.

The Moon is moving through Libra, which is going to bring the subjects of love and relationships to the fore. But Mercury is retrograde and this could remind us of various past trauma and memories with former partners.

Use the day to free yourself of everything unnecessary that reminds you of the past. Old possessions need to be thrown out in order to make room for something new and better.

This is the time to close the door on unpleasant memories and look toward the future.


Today you have the opportunity to turn your view of the world on its head if you're more social and put your trust in the people around you. Use this day to leave behind old trauma by pouring out your suppressed feelings and speaking openly about your most unpleasant memories. You may even discover how your past attitude until now has been creating barriers before your success.


Today is going to provoke your emotional nature and although you'll be uncomfortable expressing your fears and doubts aloud, it would be better to do so. If you're overly furtive and don't share even with those closest to you, your opinionated side will hone itself and cause you problems. Talk brazenly about whatever's eating you from the inside and you'll relax.


It's time you brought greater clarity to your relations with your partner and closest friends today. But to do this you're going to have to back up a little and speak openly about their mistakes, as well as your own. Don't be afraid to reveal past mistakes of yours because it's better to admit them yourself, instead of others finding out accidentally later on.


Concentrate on your home today and bring order. Carefully analyze each of your possessions and throw out everything you haven't used in a long time. Make sure you haven't buried yourself in useless things and if you find a ton of unused items around you, don't hesitate to get rid of them. Clean up everything old around you to make room for new things.


Throughout the day you may find yourself returning to unfinished tasks related to creativity and your kids. If the successful completion of your projects depends on other people, try to put yourself in their shoes and understand their motives. Don't hesitate to seek collaboration from other sources but do try to explain your ideas clearly.


Today focus on the relationships in your family or with those whom you share a roof. If there's any changes and disagreements between you, it's time to talk openly about them and build a bridge between your differences. You're going to have to make certain compromises with your desires in order for peace and harmony to reign around you.


Over the course of the day, review what you've said and try to remember past promises you've made. You may have forgotten them but the people you've given your word to have not. If you have any unfinished projects related to communication and writing, go back over them and use the advantages of hindsight to make certain changes. It may turn out that you have very valuable information at your disposal which you haven't paid attention to.


Focus on your finances today and impose stricter control so you don't create gaps in your budget. This is not the time for reckless spending. Carefully plan your purchases and try not to exceed your limit, to avoid financial problems that would in turn be difficult to deal with. Don't buy impulsively, think first.


Even if you feel brimming with energy for new projects, don't take up anything specific today. Instead, review the year that's coming to a close and everything that you've started in this period. Analyze your progress and mistakes and hone in on what you've started but left unfinished. Before starting anything new it's important to learn your lessons from the past.


Try to keep your thoughts and intentions to yourself today. Carefully listen to those around you and draw your own conclusions but avoid giving an opinion before you're absolutely certain. The answers you're looking for are all around you. Simply pay attention to others' conversations and you'll find out what you need to do. Trust your intuition more.


Throughout the day you'll be able to smooth out past misunderstandings with your friends as long are you're ready to compromise in the name of peaceful relations between you. Don't be afraid to talk openly about the situations in which you've been insulted and hurt but prepare to hear the same from them. Find the middle ground in order to avoid similar problems in the future.


Today it's time you thought about your professional development and future plans. But before you undertake anything specific, think over your past mistakes in this field. You'll be able to clearly identify the situations in which you had reacted inadequately and this time you'll need to find new ways to realize your goals.
