»Advices»How oes Lightning Form?

How oes Lightning Form?

How oes Lightning Form?

The woners of Mother Nature are enless. Some people love a weather, while others fear it - speifially lightning an thuner.

Toay we're going to talk more speifially aout thuner, or more speifially lightnings. Thunerstorms one of the most angerous phenomena, ut at the same time so eautiful an spetaular.

Lightning olts are harge with a tremenous amount of energy. The energy in a lightning olt an e up to 1 KW an the urrent in it is from 3, to , amperes.

How many volts an a lightning olt e?

The eletriity etween the lou, whih forms the lightning an the groun an reah an eee 1,, volts. The length of lightning an e etween .5 - to km, an the spee, whih it spreas with an reah , km/h.

An how are lightnings forme?

asially, a thunerstorm that is aompanie y thuner an lightning rises from the Earth to the sky at a very high spee. As it rises, it ools an from there rain-earing lous are forme, whih we have often hear in the weather foreast alle umulus lous or so-alle storm lous.

ooling auses the warm air to ool, whih, in turn, auses onensation in the lou, whih onensation turns into rain or hail.

When ie forms in the umulus lou, it is one of the important fators in the formation of lightning. Storm-earing lous in whih a ertain numer an size of ie rystals form may not form lightning. The small partiles of water in the lou that have remaine in it an have not turne into rain or hail are onverte into ie rystals. Those rystals that are positively harge egin to rise to the top of the storm lou.

When they reah a preise size, they fall like hail. Unlike the larger ones, the smaller partiles still rise upwar an thus ollie with the larger ie partiles. When they ollie, this ollision removes eletrons from those partiles that ontinue to rise, giving them a positive harge an those partiles that fall an are larger aquire a negative harge.

Lightning is forme when two eletrially harge lous ollie an when they have ifferent harges - positive an negative. After the attration etween the two lous has eome very strong, a urrent from the one lou that is esening egins to flow through them. This flow of eletriity forms the lightning.



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