»Dream Dictionary»To Travel in bus in a Dream Means
In loveIf you see lovers in your dream, it means that your relationship in the family will be strengthened and you will m...
In-lawsIf you dream of your in -laws - you will worry, if you talk to them – danger is lurking.......
break in To dream that you break in at an unknown place, maliciously or not, means that you will ignore your dignity and pr...
Father in law, mother in law To dream yourself as the mother or father in law, means that you should not follow someone's advice and suggestion...3
Bus To dream of driving a bus , means you have achieved in the workplace.......
Sister-in-law To dream of you sister- in -law, means relatives hurt or insult you.......1
Hole in ceiling To dream of an hole in the ceiling, means you will take money from a loan.......
Sister-in-law To dream of your sister- in -law, suggests a woman will hurt you.......
Walking in nature To dream that your walking in nature, indicates that you will enjoy a quiet life and a healthy one too .......
Pain in legsIf you have pain in your legs in your dream, suggests expected losses and damages.......
Brother-in-law To dream you talk with your brother- in -law, indicates you should not resist the temptation to not cheat on your wi...
Sister In LawIf you dream that you are a sister in law, you will have to obey foreign desires.......
Brother in lawIf you are a brother in law, you will be happy to obey foreign desires.......
Pray in templeIf you pray in a church in your dream, you will receive good news or a gift......
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