»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming of Watering a Flower
Watering flowersTo dream of watering flowers , suggests that you will enjoy good relationships with your relatives.......
FlowerTo dream that you picked flowers , means you will be happy with rural labor.......1
WatchingDreaming of watching an object for long time, means that others will secretly have regrets.......
Watering plantsIf you dream that you are watering plants, you will enjoy good relations with relatives.......
White flowerBroken or wilted flowers in your sleep, mean you're are headed for a lot of difficulties.......
Yellow FlowersYellow flowers in your dream, mean you are headed for both problems and successes.......
Purple flowersIf you dream of purple flowers , you will be very creative, you will see things that nobody else sees.......
Red flowersIf you dream of red flowers , you will enjoy a stormy and passionate relationship.......
Dried flowersTo dream of dried flowers , signifies that you will enjoy excellent relationships with your relatives.......
Indoor flowersDreaming that you have indoor flowers , suggests that you have self assertion and a powerful tidal force.......
FlourTo dream you buy flour , means you will save the days of misery.......
FloorTo dream a number of the floor , means you will have success in the risky gamble.......
Meadow with flowersTo dream of a meadow with many flowers , means you will live to a ripe old age.......
Theft of carIf you dream of stealing a car, suggests you will jeopardize anything.......
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