»Dream Dictionary»Dream Meaning of Purple Tulip
PurpleDreaming of the purple color, predicts you will have power yet you expect intrigues.......
TulipsDreaming of your own tulips , suggests you should stay away from seducers and deceivers.......
Purple underwearDreaming of purple lingerie, predicts devotion, healing abilities, love, kindness and compassion.......
Purple flowersIf you dream of purple flowers, you will be very creative, you will see things that nobody else sees.......
TulleTo dream of a tulle , suggests that your observations in love will not go unnoticed.......
PurseIf you dream of a purse , suggests you will have to overcome intrigue.......
PureeDreaming that you eat or cook potato puree , suggests that you will fulfill your success in an easy manner, but will......
Declaration of loveTo dream of someone declaring their love, means you will find yourself trapped.......1
Loss of memoryTo dream you suffer from memory loss, suggests showing more patience and compassion to you relatives and acquaintances.....
Loss of employmentIf you dream you lose your job, it suggest you take your large cash losses.......
Theft of carIf you dream of stealing a car, suggests you will jeopardize anything.......
Box of cigarettesTo dream of a box of cigarettes, means you realize that you have hopes in vain.......
Pot of moneyTo dream a pot of money, suggests understanding and harmony in the family.......
Bag of clothesTo dream of a bag of clothes, signifies that your life is abundant.......
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