»Dream Dictionary»Dream Interpretation Candy Store
CandyIf you see or eat candy in your dream, it symbolizes joy and small rewards in life.......
StoreTo dream that you have a store , predicts that you may have lost money.......
StoneIf someone throws a stone at you in your dream, it suggests you will hear a bad word.......
StoneTo dream of a stone , means you are going in a bad way.......
StormTo dream you see a storm , suggests you need to sort some serious errors of someone's actions or you will have many pro...
StoveTo dream of being inside a stove portends pregnancy.......
StoryTo dream that you played a story , suggests that in reality you will be an accomplice or witness in castling hidden int...
StorkTo dream that a stork lands on your house, predicts that you will have a baby.......
StoryTo dream that you tell a story , suggests that you are to hear slurs and slanders about yourself.......
CanaryTo dream of a canary , means happiness. To dream you see a canary , means a good man.......
CandleTo dream of any candle , symbolizes good health.......
CanalTo dream that you are digging a canal , means you will make a very huge effort to bring proceedings to a successful con...
StokerDreaming of a stoker , suggests that effort and work will be rewarded over time.......
Stormyenemies can intervene and your plans will fail.......
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