»Dream Dictionary»Dream Interpretation car Stolen
Stolen CarDreaming of a stolen car , means then you will pre-empt danger.......
Stolen PhoneTo dream of a stolen phone, suggests that you are parting.......1
Stolen BagIf you dream that your bag is being stolen , you will be cheated.......
Stolen moneyTheft of money in your dream means that you will suffer or be sad.......
StokerDreaming of a stoker , suggests that effort and work will be rewarded over time.......
Burned carIf you are dreaming of a burned car you will lose money.......
Car crashTo dream you have a car crash, means you should not start new obligations.......
Armored carIf you dream of an armored car , means take your temporary difficulties that can only be overcome by accumulated knowle...
New CarIf you dream of a new car , you will have obstacles at your job or you will be warned of danger.......
Car AccidentTo dream of a car accident, means you will survive, but with shattering changes.......
Car wreckIf you suffer a car crash, you should not start new duties.......
Car theftIf you dream of stealing a car , something threatens you.......
New carIf you dream of a new car , you will have obstacles at work, or will be warned of danger.......
Car parkParking your car or seeing a car park in a dream, means you must get rid of relationships and contacts that weigh yo...
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