»Dream Dictionary»Dream About Colorful Snake
- SnakeTo dream of a snake , means to expect bad events. To dream about a snake , suggest woman will soon conceive.......6
- Snake bite Snake bite means trouble. Snake bite means your creditors will put you in a difficult position.......
- Dead snakeIf it is a dead snake , you have overcome a big problem.......
- White SnakeDreaming of a white snake means that a close friend of yours is actually a hidden enemy.......
- SnailDreaming that you eat a snail , suggests that you do not need to put to test the confidence, patience and good attitude...4
- Snakes nestTo dream of a snakes nest, means you will be abandoned by your friends.......
- Coloured snakesIf you see a snake in a dream, expect good and bad events.......1
- Killing a snakeKilling a snake means you will be a winner, but will not enjoy the victory.......
- Kill a snakeDreaming that you kill a snake , indicates that you will get rid of a secret enemy or intruder.......
- Snack barTo dream of the preparation of serving breakfast tells of an expected severe week. To dream of breakfast, means you......
- Snap fingersTo dream that you snap your fingers, suggests that you will lose in a situation.......
- Striped catTo dream of a colorful cat, means you will have a quick but short-lived success in love.......
- T shirtgood luck and success in the workplace, a new shirt portends trouble, buying a T shirt portends a house guest, a new co...
- EveTo see eve naked and talking to the snake , means you will be deceived by fraud and treachery of a woman.......
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