»Dream Dictionary»Dream About Colorful Snake
SnakeTo dream of a snake , means to expect bad events. To dream about a snake , suggest woman will soon conceive.......6
Snake bite Snake bite means trouble. Snake bite means your creditors will put you in a difficult position.......
Dead snakeIf it is a dead snake , you have overcome a big problem.......
White SnakeDreaming of a white snake means that a close friend of yours is actually a hidden enemy.......
SnailDreaming that you eat a snail , suggests that you do not need to put to test the confidence, patience and good attitude...4
Snakes nestTo dream of a snakes nest, means you will be abandoned by your friends.......
Coloured snakesIf you see a snake in a dream, expect good and bad events.......1
Killing a snakeKilling a snake means you will be a winner, but will not enjoy the victory.......
Kill a snakeDreaming that you kill a snake , indicates that you will get rid of a secret enemy or intruder.......
Snack barTo dream of the preparation of serving breakfast tells of an expected severe week. To dream of breakfast, means you......
Snap fingersTo dream that you snap your fingers, suggests that you will lose in a situation.......
Striped catTo dream of a colorful cat, means you will have a quick but short-lived success in love.......
T shirtgood luck and success in the workplace, a new shirt portends trouble, buying a T shirt portends a house guest, a new co...
EveTo see eve naked and talking to the snake , means you will be deceived by fraud and treachery of a woman.......
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