»Dream Dictionary»Dreamt Of A White Snake
White SnakeDreaming of a white snake means that a close friend of yours is actually a hidden enemy.......
Dream of eatingIf you eat in a dream , you will not enjoy your success.......
dream of waterIf you dream of a water source drying up, it is never nice. Expect poverty and trouble of all kinds.......
Dream of deathIf you dream of death for unknown people, you'll have a nice change.......
SnakeTo dream of snakes in a box, means someone will lie.......6
Dream of own stoolIf you sit in chairs, you'll be proud of your work or will be respected and honored by others.......
WhiteTo dream of white , means you are to progress, enjoy good health, achievement, joy and love.......
Snake bite Snake bite means trouble. Snake bite means your creditors will put you in a difficult position.......
Dead snakeIf you see a snake in your dream , expect good and bad events.......
Sex dreamBeing an observer in a sexual dream means difficulties will come from your own indecision and inertia.......
WhineTo dream of a person whining about you, means then you will have success and luck in the future.......
Snail of others towards you.......4
White dressTo dream about a young woman that bears white clothes, suggests a wedding.......
White hairTo dream you have white hair, means you will have great wealth and happiness.......
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