»Dream Dictionary»Bathing Outside in a Dream Means What
OutsideIf you look outside in your sleep, you will experience exciting things.......
BathingTo dream you bathe in the lake, pool, sea, river or water, means you will achieve progress, you have a good family a...2
Bathing suitIf you are wearing a bathing suit in your dream, an unhappy love awaits.......
MeanTo dream that someone else is guilty, means you are scorned.......
In loveIf you see lovers in your dream, it means that your relationship in the family will be strengthened and you will m...
In-lawsIf you dream of your in -laws - you will worry, if you talk to them – danger is lurking.......
break inTo dream that you break in at an unknown place, maliciously or not, means that you will ignore your dignity and prin...
WhaleIf you dream of being on the whale , a greater force will be working in your favor.......
Father in law, mother in lawTo dream yourself as the mother or father in law, means that you should not follow someone's advice and suggestions....3
Sister-in-lawTo dream that you have a sister- in -law, means you expect problems in the family.......1
Hole in ceilingTo dream of an hole in the ceiling, means you will take money from a loan.......
Sister-in-lawTo dream of your sister- in -law, suggests a woman will hurt you.......
Pain in legsIf you have pain in your legs in your dream, suggests expected losses and damages.......
Brother-in-lawTo dream you see your brother- in -law, suggests you take your family disputes.......
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