»Dream Dictionary»Dream Dictionary Bathing in Pool
PoolDreaming of a pool , means you expected trouble or danger.......
BathingTo dream you bathe in the lake, pool , sea, river or water, means you will achieve progress, you have a good family a...2
PoolTo dream that you jump or bathe in the pool , suggests you take a lot of problems in the coming days.......
PoolTo dream you swim in the pool , suggests you have the care and trouble in the family.......
PoorTo dream of poor people, suggests waiting for unforeseen cash or income.......
PoopGetting stained by poop , suggests one could be sick.......
Swimming poolTo dream that you swim in a dirty pool , suggests that you will have lots of cares and troubles in the family.......
Bathing suitIf you are wearing a bathing suit in your dream, an unhappy love awaits.......
In loveIf you see lovers in your dream, it means that your relationship in the family will be strengthened and you will mak...
In-lawsIf you dream of your in -laws - you will worry, if you talk to them – danger is lurking.......
break inDreaming of a break in at your house, then you have to protect your dreams at your place of work, but also to care......
PoodleTo dream that you see a poodle , means you will have a smart and charming man for a friend, but he is unpredictable.......
Father in law, mother in lawTo dream of your mother or father in law, predicts that you may have a quarrel in the family and problems at home......3
Sister-in-lawTo dream that you have a sister- in -law, means you expect problems in the family.......1
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