In 2017, you're going to learn valuable lessons regarding money. You're going to have to take up greater responsibilities, be more disciplined and organized, in order to avoid severe financial difficulties.
You need to have a clear outline in terms of your earning and spending, and you need to try to follow it strictly. Any deviation from it will cost you your peace of mind and security.
It's time to learn how to manage your money. In the first half of the year you're going to have to seriously limit your spending, while buying only items of utmost importance.
Try to take advantage of the opportunities before you in order to increase your earnings. Rely once again on proper planning and reflection, don't act hastily because not all sources deserve your trust.
Throughout 2017, you'll need to be more penny-wise and postpone any large-scale purchases, such as a home or a car. Don't be tempted to take out any loans because it won't be easy for you to pay them back. Live within your means the entire year.
This year you're going to have the opportunity to learn the real value of everything around you, especially if you've been having it handed it to you up until now. You may also experience a crisis in terms of your self-confidence but afterward you'll finally stop assigning yourself undeserved qualities and instead be able to take genuine pride in what you've accomplished yourself.
In March and April, you're going to feel like you're at the wrong place at work because your coworkers will isolate you and you'll often become the victim of gossip and intrigue.
The time is perfect for thinking about your position at work and your dreams in that field. Do everything necessary to feel comfortable and you'll see results at the start of summer.
There's going to be excellent opportunities for realization for those who are ready to work freelance. All they need to do is work up more courage and go after what they truly want.

During April, an old love will appear on the horizon, one which you had to be separated from but this year you may once again reignite your past passions and renew your relations.
At the end of the year, luck will smile upon you and a person who really cares for you will help you bring stability back in your life. You'll be saved, no matter how difficult the obstacles and you'll have more chances for prosperity.