The conflicting conjunction of the Sun and Venus today will bring positive emotions to representatives of the earth signs and to Taureans in particular. Non-single representatives of these signs are going to be pleasantly surprised by their partner's romantic gesture, while those who are still looking for a partner will meet an intriguing person today.
Aries - Relations with loved ones and coworkers today are going to be slightly tense, which is due to the poor communication you're having with them. Invest more effort in trying to understand others' point of view, instead of trying to impose your own any way you can. A romantic and passionate evening awaits single representatives of the sign.
Taurus - Your intuition is telling you that one of your loved ones has a problem which only you can solve. Leave some of your work obligations aside and devote time to your family because they have need of you. Be more careful with documents, it's not recommended to sign any important ones before the week is over.
Gemini - It looks like you're going to have a meeting with friends tonight, where you'll learn important information concerning your future, if you manage by some miracle to not talk the whole time and instead listen to what others have to say. Don't overlook the opportunity for starting a new job, which may turn out to be the one you've dreamed of.
Cancer - When you open your wallet you'll realize that you haven't been very practical in managing your finances and that you'll be in the red for yet another month. Perhaps it's a good idea to stop wasting money on stupid things and try to order your priorities both financially and emotionally.

Leo - A friend whom you haven't seen in a long time is going to call you with good news. But the pleasant surprises don't end there - you can also hope for unexpected financial proceeds. Don't pay any mind to bitter comments said behind your back and rekindle your communication with persons who are openly jealous of you.
Virgo - You're the type of person who lives on the edge of the practical and often wanders off into a fantasy world of dreams but this may play a bad joke on you today. Try to shake off your illusions and step firmly on the ground before you take any decisive step professionally or personally.
Libra - The day will start off boringly but the evening promises to be more than exciting. An interesting meeting with friends is going to make you rethink the present and lead you to start creating bold plans for the future. Don't be afraid to dream big because the stars are on your side.
Scorpio - You're going to have to seek the help of a close friend in order to handle all of the tasks you've begun today. Good time organization is of critical importance but you're not going to succeed if you keep constantly accepting new tasks.
Sagittarius - Love is in the air today and you're being carried on its wings. Your good mood is contagious, which is also why the atmosphere at the workplace will be more delightful than usual. A romantic surprise awaits you in the evening, which is why we recommend that ladies finally buy that extravagant dress they've been looking at for weeks.
Capricorn - Forget about the problems that have been dogging you lately. The stars are turning a favorable gaze toward you and wonderful news await you today. The representatives of the sign that are more susceptible to gambling can hope for luck and financial proceeds, while single Capricorns need to keep a careful eye out because their karmic partner is approaching on the horizon.
Aquarius - At the subsequent gathering with your friends, to your unpleasant surprise, you'll discover that you're the only one that's not pregnant yet or doesn't have kids, which will depress you to some degree. But as the evening progresses you'll come to realize that children are a responsibility you're not yet ready to take on. Rid yourself of negative emotions and enjoy the company of your friends and partner.
Pisces - All day today you're going to have the feeling that you're isolated from the surrounding world and your loved ones, who will be way too busy to pay you any attention. Instead of getting upset, dedicate the day to yourself, read a good book or go on a long walk; you're not going to have the opportunity for a creative break again any time soon.