A number of problems with your partner will worsen today but at the same time you'll have the energy to resolve them, so you will once again enjoy harmony and peace by the end of the day. It's important you heed your intuition today. It will tell you exactly what to do when in doubt.
Aries - Your partner's behavior is going to confuse you quite a lot today and you still won't be able to figure out what they hope to achieve with it. It's best to ask them directly and not waste time guessing. Fate will send single Aries a sign and they will finally gain insight into an issue concerning their love life.
Taurus - Unfortunately, the day won't be a particularly positive one. You're going to have to ignore your own desires in order to please your partner. But your sacrifice won't be appreciated. Single Taureans are going to bring problems on themselves due to their excessively frivolous behavior and reckless actions.

Gemini - There's a high chance of you seeing the partner of a friend of yours in a different light today and for you to begin having sympathies toward them. It's best to clear these thoughts from your head because you'll create serious problems for yourself if you try to start an affair with that person.
Cancer - If for some time you've feeling a coldness between you and your partner, you must definitely do something about it. Raise the issue to your partner and find out what's missing in your relationship. Singles are being tormented by unrequited feelings but the stars don't advise you to keep feeling sorry for yourself. The best thing you can do at the time being is to change your setting.
Leo - The indecisiveness of your partner today will greatly upset you and for a moment make you regret that you've chosen them as a partner. Luckily, your irritation will abate later on and your relations will harmonize once more. Single representatives of the sign should express a bit more seriousness. The role of the fool that you frequently play makes representatives of the opposite sex not look at you in a serious manner.
Virgo - There's a high chance of you ending up staying at home today due to a minor ailment. Luckily, thanks to your partner's caring and attention you'll quickly get back on your feet and be bursting with energy once again. Single Virgos should look around a little more carefully. A potential partner you haven't noticed before may be very close to you.

Libra - The disagreements you've been having with your partner lately will finally pass and peace and quiet will once again settle into your relationship. Enjoy the happy moments and don't think about the bad ones. Single Libras are going to come across an old flame in the street and feel the pangs of nostalgia. However, the stars don't advise you to make attempts at renewing the relationship.
Scorpio - Expect a peaceful and harmonious day. If you still have not introduced your partner to your friends and relatives, now is the time to do so. They will surely be well accepted. One of single Scorpios' greatest mistakes is their inability to choose good topics for conversation with representatives of the opposite sex. If they manage to overcome this weakness they will finally meet a suitable person.
Sagittarius - Keep your eyes peeled throughout the entire day. An ill-wisher may try to ruin your relationship by serving up false information to your partner. Single Sagittarii should also be careful. It's likely that a person with impure intentions tries to take advantage of your naivety.
Capricorn - Be careful with jokes aimed at your partner today. Your partner will be exceptionally sensitive and touchy, so it will be easy to hit a nerve, even unintentionally. Single Capricorns are going to have to let their love throbs take a backseat today and focus on work / school. Otherwise, they aren't going to achieve the desired success.
Aquarius - Be careful what you spend money on today. Unforeseen expenses will become the reason for discord in your relationship. Single Aquarians are going to begin a flirt on the internet today but aren't going to get as far as a real life date.
Pisces - The day is suitable for fun out in nature. If you haven't taken your partner out for a walk in the woods or park in awhile, be sure to find time for it today. Single Pisces are going to have the opportunity to meet quite a crazy character, who will intrigue but also frighten them. The stars advise you not to give in to your fears but brazenly go with the flow.