Today you're going to have to show a bit more understanding toward your partner's doings. Provide them care and empathy. If you notice that they have need of help, do everything in your power to aid them. Those of you who are single must find time for unwinding activities. Gather your energy and don't waste it on contact with the opposite sex that won't lead to anything serious.
Aries - Be careful about which facts from your personal life you share with others. It's possible that your partner (or the person you see from time to time) learns of your indiscreteness and becomes highly disappointed in your behavior.
Taurus - Today your partner is going to treat you quite kindly and gently. But you'll find their behavior incredibly suspicious and instead of enjoying it you're going to keep wondering what the reason for it is. Singles aren't going to be able to control every situation today, so if they feel that something unforeseen might happen while on a date with someone they should put if off for another day.

Gemini - Many of your partner's actions throughout the day are going to seem pointless. But the stars don't advise you to express your opinion to them or to try to lecture them. If you do, there's a risk of getting into a quarrel. Single Geminis will manage to achieve positive results on the love front today if they demonstrate a sense of humor and retain their elevated mood throughout the entire day.
Cancer - Today your partner is going to be looking at others' mistakes and blame you for them. Remind them that they aren't perfect either and don't always do the right thing. Single Cancers who have accidentally offended a person important to them must definitely ask for their forgiveness in the next few hours and do everything possible to once again earn their reverence.
Leo - Be very careful when communicating with coworkers and acquaintances today. Your innocent banter might quickly transform into a sizzling flirt, and your partner won't like this at all. Single Leos must not be influenced by their friends' opinion when choosing a partner. Be guided only by your own preferences and needs because they are all that matter.
Virgo - Don't make important decisions concerning your personal life today. You may end up creating a false judgment and taking a fatal step. Better to invest your energy into more routine activities, such as cleaning your home or organizing your wardrobe.
Libra - Today the stars don't advise you to rely your partner unconditionally because they may mislead you one way or another. If you need to get something done and have need of help, ask a friend or relative for a favor. Single representatives of this zodiac sign are going to shine in front of the object of their affection today with their sharp-mindedness and artistic abilities. Expect a nice and memorable day.

Scorpio - When was the last time you told the person by your side that you love them? If you haven't done so recently, be sure to find time today to remind them of the way you feel. Single Scorpios are going to receive an unexpected surprise from the universe today. Expect many positive emotions and passionate moments.
Sagittarius - Don't bother giving any kind of promises to your partner today because they will turn out to be nothing more than empty words. Prepare yourself because your plans are going to change very quickly and no matter what you have planned it will most likely fall through. Single Sagittarii are going to face problems with communication with the opposite sex today. It's possible that a message you've written to someone important to you may be misinterpreted.
Capricorn - If some kind of friction has emerged between you and your partner lately, today you'll finally have the opportunity to smooth it out and enjoy happy relations once again. Single Capricorns are going to achieve successes in love today if they're more self-confident. Even if you doubt your own abilities, don't show it. Act decisively and success won't be long in coming.
Aquarius - Today you're going to feel that something in your relationship isn't right. Your hunch may be unfounded but it's also possible that your intuition is trying to warn you about a problem. Single Aquarians are going to have the pleasure of meeting an attractive person today but they aren't going to stick around in their life very long.
Pisces - Be careful how you use certain words today. They may have a special significance for you but that may not be the case for your partner. Single Pisces can expect quite an exciting day. One of your biggest dreams on the love front may come true.