To find out what numerology has in store for you this week, you need to calculate your personal number. It is the sum of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding up the digits until you get a single digit number or 11 or 22.
1 - The week lets you roll up your sleeves and get to work. You'll develop an unbelievable sense of responsibility. You'll be happiest when working with people who share your interests and get their job done. You'll hardly have any time for a break, which may put you off balance in your daily life. Your sense of duty shouldn't make you feel miserable. Don't mix work with pleasure.
2 - This week you'll engage in the search for something you can share with someone you highly regard. You're fully aware that healthy relationships require doing things together. It may not be very easy for you to do things that your partner enjoys but you'll have to. Even though you rarely allow anyone to get into your personal space, your desire to adapt will finally bring long-term results. It's always good to maintain friendly relations with coworkers, but despite the warm feelings, always put work first. Discipline provides a much greater freedom than a typical revolt.
3 - You may clash with someone else's opinion... or the exact opposite - find a harmony with the surrounding environment that's not typical of your nature. Whatever happens, you'll be positively clear with your own self and the way in which you wish to treat others. Be honest with whether you like what you do or not. If you feel a sense of freedom in making the right choice, it means everything is aces. Treat others as if they were on the same level as you. Don't let yourself feel like you're better or worse than they are.
4 - The energy this week allows you to travel. If you can't get out of work to explore the world, then use books, movies and the internet to broaden your horizons. Ask yourself what you believe in and what you stand for. This week you'll discover and share your unique view and understanding of the world. You'll most likely feel as though you're defending yourself. It'll take you quite some time and energy to explain why you're right. Don't do everything in your power to convince others.
5 - There is a potent energy present that will help you understand yourself. If you look at things from a different angle you'll find insight into the reasons for certain behavior and situations in your life. This way you'll realize the real reasons for why things happened to you in the past and thereby change your attitude and thoughts for the better. Excessive attachment to physical items may make you blind to reality.
6 - Be true to yourself and follow the path you've drawn for yourself. This will give you a feeling of ease and satisfaction. Reflect on whether your relationship is pushing you forward or pulling you back. This may lead to a conflict related your career and that of your partner. On the other hand, it may lead you to break the bonds of attachment and dependency on your partner. The people around you must share your goals to the letter or at least not get in your way. Be honest about your needs.
7 - A week of financial self-confidence lies ahead. Consult with a professional if you intend to get into a new project. There is a risk of you spending too much money on clothes, furniture or improvements and comforts for the home. Slow down with large-scale purchases to avoid taking out loans. Caution will help you remain concentrated. The feeling that you're in control of the situation will boost your ability to manage everything with care and a good sense.
8 - It'll be easier for you to talk about your feelings at the beginning of the week. This will bring you an excellent opportunity to deepen your relationships with your partner. You'll be capable of overcoming the misunderstandings that are blocking the flow of ideas. You'll be most satisfied when working with others and everyone shares their ideas and works side by side with everyone else. Putting your heads together makes things easier. The important thing is to expect the best.

9 - You're concerned about someone but feel that there is a dose of tension there due to unresolved situations from the past. It's unrealistic to expect things to change with time. People are different and have different ways of thinking, which sometimes prevents us from finding common ground. This may lead to hurdles and emotionally charged conflicts. If things aren't working out, it's high time to leave the situation or the partner.
11 - The energy of the dark matter is causing you to make several deep changes on a psychological level. Everything capable of misleading you will no longer be a factor in your life. Nothing will get in the way of your success. Conflicts related to money and shared resources may arise, especially if control has turned into someone's mission in life. Abandon your ego if you wish to achieve true growth. Remember, it's not possessions that are important but people.
22 - The week for you will be loaded with an exceptional energy. If you give free range to your thoughts and actions you'll achieve unbelievable successes. It's also just as important to give this freedom to others. Don't tell people how to act and do their job if you don't want to have problems. It's completely possible for you to be friends with someone who doesn't agree with you. The sexual energy needs to be directed correctly so that it can be maximally beneficial. The relationships that aren't going well may reach critical conflicts.