To find out what numerology has in store for you this week, you need to calculate your personal number. It is the sum of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding up the digits until you get a single digit number or 11 or 22.
1 - You've got a solid footing and can handle anything. For some of you, the crises these week will bring to the fore the warrior that's hiding inside you. Say what you think, without worrying about the reaction of others. You'll reach the greatest successes only if you act clearly and in an organized fashion. If you have a partner, find out to make sure they're not feeling unappreciated or ignored. The way too busy life some of you lead have become the reason for you to forget the drama, excitement and happiness that are so needed.
2 - You're in the middle of the greatest transformation of your life. This may be happening to someone immediately close to you. Some things are headed to their conclusion but this does not always mean something negative. Focus on the positive, regardless of the circumstances. This will reignite your hope and bring you complete self-awareness. Forget about using your power to achieve egotistical and hidden goals.
3 - You'll be stressed due to the hardships and disappointments in your relationships. You may do something without thinking and hurt someone who you're angry at, jealous of or is making you feel insecure. Try to remain strong and emotionally tempered. But before you do whatever it might be, be certain that you know all the facts. If you are unable to deal with your feelings you'll be forced to face reality. Stop thinking that you're not making any gains. If you're turning into a source of unnecessary drama perhaps it's time to talk to someone who you trust and believe in.
4 - The big question throughout this week will be how you feel. This will be of crucial importance to your relationship. Your need to be liked will be replaced by a desire for love. Sometimes people refuse to admit to what's really happening unless something that isn't right becomes obvious. The week will allow you to check whether you're building your relations on a realistic emotional foundation or not. Don't be afraid to put high standards for yourself and others. What's important is to simply be honest.
5 - This week you will be riding a romantic wave. Flattery will take your mind off things, especially if you've felt ignored. This is not the time to compromise with your inner convictions and personal sanctity. Stop making excuses and not doing any of the things you claim you want to do. Lay out a plan and start moving in the right direction. Simplify work responsibilities. Plan to get together with friends and set aside more time for fun. The week is suitable for meeting new people, vacations and family gatherings.
6 - You're about to experience one of the strangest weeks of your life and you won't achieve anything, no matter how much effort you invest. Refrain from any type of action. Have faith in passive behavior and a tractable approach. Relations will become simpler if you don't pass by every little problem with a smile. Spend more time creating and admiring everything that's beautiful. Bet on your own charm if you want to receive something.
7 - There is a high probability you will succumb to impulsive decisions this week, even if you know that you'll later regret your choice. If you're single, don't forget that the right person for you needs to appreciate and understand you without a problem from the very beginning. Don't try to buy popularity with generous gifts or personal sacrifice. All you need to do is be a good team player and friend. The time is appropriate for hard work and finishing projects you've started.
8 - This week you'll have to show more personal perseverance than usual. It'll be hard for you to understand yourself and your reactions. You may find yourself experiencing paranoid anxieties and fears, related to a difficult relationship or a disappointing path your life has taken to. This may lead to problems and misunderstandings with people who depend on you. You'll have to be strong but having an honest talk will also be necessary. The time you spend alone may help you be more concentrated.
9 - Quite a productive week lies ahead for you. Enjoy life without worrying what others are thinking about. Relations may be strained due to your desire to keep people farther away. It would be wise to find out how the person across from you feels and what they think about your relations. Imagine all the good things that come when you are successful. Get used to thinking about and looking for the things you need in order to feel happy.

11 - You'll achieve a lot if you're open, flexible and tolerant toward the peculiarities of others. You can't be a good friend if you're constantly criticizing and judging others. Look at the things happening around you with composure and accept them with a positive mindset. You can still be honest with yourself and others but it would be good if this were the result of tranquility and balance. The weekend is great for taking a break from the usual activities.
22 - You'll come to realize that some things in life have value even if they don't bring material or personal rewards. Being kind to the people you love or setting some of your own time aside to hear out an older person are among the things which the Universe will surely thank you for. Get rid of the feeling that you haven't succeeded because you're not absolutely perfect. The most important lesson you can learn is that everyone learns from their mistakes.