To find out what numerology has in store for you this week, first determine your personal number. It is the sum of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding the numbers until you get a single-digit number or 11 or 22.
1 - This week you need to set aside more time in order to reevaluate your financial issues or pay more attention to your family. If you need help, don't hesitate, simply ask for it. If you organize your obligations correctly, you will enjoy a nice break throughout the whole weekend.
2 - Now is the perfect time to get rid of old issues that have been pulling you back to the past and preventing you from moving forward. There's nothing wrong with being sentimental but do not let your old scars and fears determine what will happen in your present or future.
3 - This week your ideas won't enjoy much sympathy from others. Don't let criticisms discourage you but rather seek the right people with whom to share your intentions. Keep your negative side under control, so as to avoid stressful situations in everyday life.
4 - You will be incredibly overburdened this week, since information from different sources will distract you and prevent you from concentrating on a single goal. Try to keep calm and seek the aid of more organized people when you have need. Despite the problematic situations, your ability of finding the right person for support in risky situations will be unlocked.
5 - You will feel very distressed this week. The loss of harmony will be the reason for this uneasiness. Inwardly, you want to move or begin anew but you lack the bravery to do so. Your fear of the future is holding you back, which is why you need to think very well on whether you should make a change in your life.
6 - The week will be filled with challenges for you. You are asked to be true to yourself and try to help others more. Try to control even your most emotional reactions. The period is not suitable for activities with others or dealing with issues from the past.

7 - You will be under the complete dominance of your emotions this week. You may be more dramatic, angry and resentful than normal. The advice for you is not to be so hasty in blowing up but to look at the positions again from a reasonable point of view. In the days until January 25, you may make very bold decisions.
8 - The energy of this week will lead you to more spiritual experiences. Limit the chatting and time spent online and strive to familiarize yourself with your own character better. In the days until January 25, do easier and lighter things in order to be happy.
9 - Throughout the week, your influence over others will be quite significant. Each and every aspect of your life will require special attention, so think carefully on what you are planning. Think before you act - this applies to every undertaking. Excessive emotions will only cause you harm.
11 - This week you need to reevaluate the time you set aside for the people around you. Be with the people that love and like you more and spend less time with pointless contacts. Break off all contacts with any negative people, as well as with those that have disappointed your trust. Attempt to create only fruitful partnerships.
22 - The energy this week might force you to give up on some of your ideas. You may feel lonelier in the days until January 25th. The reason for this is the perspective through which you look at the people around you. Try to find the love and well-meaning in even the smallest of gestures.