To find out what numerology has in store for you for the 1st month of the year, you need to calculate your personal number. It is the sum of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding the digits until you get a single digit number or 11 or 22.
1 - Be mindful and sensitive toward others' needs. Even though you would like to take a huge step forward, you can't just turn your back on your friends and relatives. You'll have the best results if you work together with your coworkers. You may have to slow down a bit when they give you someone young, inexperienced or cautious. Don't complain - this person will be ready to help you at any cost. When you enjoy the fruits of your labor, make sure you share them with all who have contributed to this success. Your generosity will take you far in January. Stingy and envious individuals will resent you for your achievements.
2 - Your abandoned projects are waiting for you. Even though you're impatient for a change, it's wise to insure all fronts before that. Be kind to those who have helped you get this far. The fact that you've gotten ahead of them doesn't mean you should stop your contact with them. The people you meet while climbing the ladder of success will reappear in your life when you least expect them to. Be sure you've fulfilled your obligations and paid off all loans if you've taken any out. Do everything in your power to safeguard your good reputation.
3 - It's important to think practically during January. Even though you have big plans, they won't come to fruition if they're not built on a solid foundation. This may mean saving money, working extra hours or completing additional training. It's important to do what's needed to start your new tasks. You'll waste precious energy if you begin to boast about your future plans. If you're lacking the knowledge or experience to achieve your goals look for a way to resolve this problem fast. The good thing is that you're a fast learner. January will be a tense but well rewarded month for you.
4 - Try not to make hasty decisions. Even though it's a new year, it's important to maintain the good relationships you've built in the past with others. If you decide to leave work without any warning, you'll definitely suffer the consequences. If you decide to end a romantic relationship, at least try to maintain your friendship. You'll regret any words spoken in a fit of anger. What's important is to keep the friendships you've had for many years. Your connections to the past are a guaranteed thrust for future projects. Stay connected to individuals who have known you from a time when you were much different than what you are today.
5 - Participating in a public project will benefit you this January. You may feel alienated and isolated. Social media will only worsen this problem. This will be a reaction to the series of comments and photos that have no connection to reality and communication with real people. Invest your energy in a cause that's important to you, such as creating shelter for the homeless or for animals or getting a new park bench. You'll enjoy working with your fellow philanthropists, who share your caring and ideas. If you're looking for love you'll find it in a very shy and artistic person. You have to make the 1st move.
6 - You're ready to slow the pace down after the exceptionally hectic holiday season. You'll realize that some people have gotten used to your dedication and readiness to answer all cries for help. It's time to break this habit of theirs. Don't feel obligated to pick up your phone at the 1st ring or immediately answering every text message, unless it's an emergency. Make it absolutely clear to everyone that one day you too will seek a favor, in exchange for everything you've done for them up until now. Give yourself more space. If you wish to rediscover yourself, make a reservation to a destination that offers plenty of rest and relaxation.

7 - Instead of waiting for others to set the pace, you'll be the one to take on the leadership role. Be blunt when expressing your wishes. Make bold proposals and create your plans on the go, before you've even gotten the green light on them. The more aggressive you are the more successful the month will be for you. This type of behavior will seem quite strange to others. They are used to seeing you in a patient, humble and quiet position. But the time for debate has ended. You are in your element and are ready to make your dream a reality. If you've ever wanted to start your own business, now is the time to do it. Receiving extra financial loans from the bank will be easy.
8 - In January you'll feel like sharing some of your finances with those in need. Those involved in humanitarian activities will have a lot of work to do. Donating your time, energy and resources to a noble cause will make you feel more connected with humanity. Getting ahead in your career and society will all of a sudden lose their appeal. It'll be much easier for you to simply enjoy the disposition of the dark energy toward you during all of January. Plus you'll find more time to spend with loved ones and those important to you. Don't be surprised - this month will be brimming with pleasant emotions - something that hasn't happened to you in a long time.
9 - You'll be engulfed by the innovator's spirit this January. You're considering an exciting change but were too shy to talk about it during the holidays. Now that you've recovered from the festivities and euphoria surrounding them you will feel ready to reveal your new concept to society. Those more cautious will probably turn it down right away but you'll find 1 or 2 dreamers intrigued by your proposal. Together you can start a successful business, charity organization or artist collective. Don't base your idea on a model developed by your competitors. It's time for innovations, not putting old wine into new bottles. If you manage to present something new and fresh you'll achieve unforeseen successes.
11 - You're open to learning new things from a gifted teacher who will come into your life. If you take on the challenge you may ultimately decide to change your profession. Learning new knowledge and skills won't be easy but will be quite stimulating. For you it'll be more important to keep your mind occupied, rather than financially sound in January. Friends and relatives will warn you not to make sudden changes in your life. They want the best for you but don't realize that you have need of growth. Smile, be kind, but don't let their words get in the way of your plans. Big things will happen only if you believe in yourself. Treat your setbacks as a chance to learn something new. A positive attitude will take you farther than all of the money in the bank.
22 - A bold idea will dominate your consciousness this month. Others will admire your refusal to take the easy road. If you get out of your shell you may be presented an unbelievable job offer. Working in a company that rewards its workers for their innovative ideas will bring out the best in you. In the past, overly cautious managers have quashed your grand concepts. The new workplace will provide you more confidence in your own abilities. In January it will also be a lot easier for you hook up romantically, since there's nothing more attractive to the opposite sex than self-confidence that can be backed up. Whenever you're at a crossroads, choose the road less traveled. You won't regret it.