To find out what numerology has in store for you for the month of May, you need to calculate your personal number. It is the sum of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding up the digits until you get a single digit number or 11 or 22.
1 - It's finally time for you to spread your wings and fly. It's recommended you go on a trip this month. This will be your chance to find love, adventures and many exciting moments. If you've ever wanted to visit a place off the beaten path, now is the time to do it. It'll be a welcome challenge for you to familiarize yourself with a culture that's quite different from your own. Traveling with this goal in mind will inspire you to change your life. You don't need material benefits to feel happy. Once you return from your journey, you'll spontaneously feel the urge to do a major cleanup of your home.
2 - You're going to have a month loaded with tranquility and satisfaction. The key to this is working less. Spend as much time as you can with loved ones. It's best if you can work from home. You'll be blessed by a huge creative mindset. Express it through art. If you wish to spoil yourself with some luxurious item - do so. Throughout the month of May you'll have the opportunity to satisfy all of your own desires since during the past few months you've been serving others. It's nigh time you paid some attention to yourself too. It's the only way to increase your confidence. You deserve it!
3 - Don't make huge plans for May. Instead, focus on gathering facts and numbers. If you need to remodel, turn to friends for suggestions. Whenever you need a plumber, electrician or contractor, getting a personal reference is always the best option. Be open to trying new things. Rearrange your schedule - this will lead to many happy meetings. Random chance will lead you to meet someone who will offer you work or push you to something better. Don't be afraid of chatting with strangers.
4 - Taking pre-assessed risks will pay off handsomely. The important thing is to aim for something more than what you've achieved so far. Your routine is boring you now. There are many more opportunities around you than you think, all you need to do is look. Be ready to prove yourself to an authoritative figure. Most people know that you are a reliable worker but few realize how enterprising you actually are. You have to prove yourself to them. Regardless of whether you've created a new product or developed a certain project, now is the time to present it to potential investors. One simple idea might earn you a lot of money.
5 - You'll finish a project you've started long ago. There's nothing wrong with feeling an unbelievable sense of satisfaction from what you've achieved. Instead of immediately starting something new, it's better to stop and enjoy what you've accomplished thus far. It's hard for you to remain focused since you have many, diverse interests. It's time to celebrate. Once you've enjoyed the company of friends and pleasant moments, you'll feel a frantic need to maximally simplify your life. The month is ideal for cleaning your home of old possessions. Divide them into 3 piles - ones to donate, throw out and sell. You'll feel superb once you get rid of everything unneeded.
6 - The month of action is here. The seeds you sow during the month of May will yield a bountiful harvest until the end of the year. Regardless if you'd like to find a new job, learn a language, get a higher a degree or develop your hobby, this is the perfect time for it. What's important is to take the first step. Make a list of the little things with which you can begin fulfilling your goals. Each step leads to the next - and so on until you reach the top.

7 - Make an effort to communicate this month. You'll be presented the opportunity to spend more time with someone who respects and understands you. They will guide you to healthier prospects. You're withdrawn into yourself and don't want to get away from the past or your routine. Before you make any decisions, look at all possible perspectives. Your excessively cautious approach sometimes scares others. Your coworkers and relatives avoid you because they feel ignored around you. This is why it's so important to be open. The more social you are, the more others will like you. The month is a good one for getting engaged or married.
8 - The month of May will be a beneficial one for you, so make room for a party. Mingle with fascinating people who arouse your intellectual curiosity. Don't be surprised if you feel the need to write a book, learn a language or go back to school for new knowledge. The more you train your brain, the happier you'll be. Short trips for fun are recommended. If you're single, you can meet someone special prior to this trip. If not, a change in setting would do you good. The time spent with your beloved in an unfamiliar locale will reveal unsuspected talents of theirs.
9 - It's time to get serious with your tasks. If you are unable to handle the workload, you're going to have serious headaches the next month. Come up with a feasible schedule with clearly defined deadlines - by days, even hours. If you don't, you risk getting distracted and needing additional time to finish any extra tasks. Try to build bonds with your coworkers. The more respected you are, the closer you are to your goals. From time to time even you feel lonely and need the company of friends. Do not worry - in June you're going to have a lot more time to rest than you expect.
11 - A love relationship will dominate your attention this month. If you're single, it's highly likely a neighbor or relative will introduce you to someone quite interesting. Still, be ready to go on a date with someone who is not your type. You'll be pleased to find out that your beauty has overcome them. If you already have a partner, your relations will deepen. The time is good for a romantic vacation, even if only for a few days. Try to make compliments to your beloved every day. This way you'll strengthen your ties.
22 - You're going to have a month of unforeseen achievements, as long as you play your cards right. When in doubt, bet on something new. By exploring new territory you'll encounter unbelievable opportunities. Take advantage of every opportunity to learn skills, meet people and expand your horizons. Don't be afraid of confrontations. By showing what you're capable of in order to defend your opinion, you'll win the respect of coworkers and bosses. Don't be surprised if you receive an offer for a raise by the end of the month. Don't let yourself be seized by doubt that you're not suitable. Quite the contrary, you are the right person for it.