Fate fulfills our desires, but in its own way, so give us something beyond them.
"There is nothing impossible to him who tries", Alexander the Great. It is said that even failures of Alexander the Great were far more "high" from the successes of others.

Most consultants in education or vocation argue that they have done good to their customers. One of the most high sounding things I've heard is "Define your destiny". This is a very powerful phrase and is quite drawing. However philosophers and consultants always talk about destiny in a positive or a negative sense. Some of them believe in fate and others don't.
Dow San believed that, we achieve everything through our own efforts. Almighty God decides our fate. We will do our destiny as it is thanks to our own actions. One should take their destiny in their hands, it does not happen when you stand aside and take everything.
It is good to have a positive attitude and have positive thinking. But faith in hope is against optimism. If work is done in a certain direction, then there is a final result. If you can not do something, do not assume that nobody else can. But if anyone can do it, then ask yourself ' why can't I? .
You choose whether to be born or not. You choose whether you accidents happen or not. But there are many situations where you do not have a choice.
Mildred Taylor believes that we have no choice in what color skin we were born or who our parents are or whether we are rich or poor. What we choose is what to do with our lives since we were born .
Fate is a choice, not a position. You decide what to do with your life.
William Bryan believes that fate is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice, it is not something you wait for like something to be achieved.
But to achieve something is not so easy. To have achievements, a man goes through different situations and trials. In addition, keep your mind clear. Do not get drunk. Decide what you can do. Not wishful thinking on your abilities and do not place too high expectations. According to Sir Winston Churchill "It is a mistake to look too far".

If your flight is to arrive at a given location and takes one hour, it is not very likely to get there before. You will reach your destiny, but at the appointed time. If you are consistent and diligent in your work you will surely get more than you expect, but at some point.