To find out what the month of December has in store for you, calculate your personal number. It is the sum of digits of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding until you get a single digit number or 11 or 22.
1 - Throughout December, you will be seeking peace with the people you've had huge conflicts with. Forgive and express your regrets for what you've said or done. Cooperation in every single aspect will be favorable this month. If you have a romantic relationship, now is the time for marriage or to begin living together.
2 - You will be in the holiday spirit this entire month, going shopping and partying. You will let work take a back seat for a bit, since until recently you were the person who had been working hardest. Many fun times with friends and relatives await you, while meeting new people is also possible at the end of the month.
3 - Extra work will significantly increase your earnings this month. If you still do not have a job, a perfect opportunity will present itself this week. Take a relaxing vacation at the end of the month and celebrate Christmas and New Year's. The availability of a stable income will make you feel much more at ease in the new 2015.
4 - This month you will be ready to forget about work and have fun instead. Enjoy whatever happens to you and create wonderful memories. Go to concerts more often and go out with friends. If you are looking for a new love, you may meet a suitable partner in December.

5 - Your loved ones will be a priority for you this month. In the past, one of them may have done you a tremendous favor and now would be the time for you to return it. The situation at home will require you to complete more tasks but you won't mind at all. Don't forget to be thankful for the magnificent things that happened to you in 2014 and to set new goals for 2015.
6 - This month you will aim for spiritual experiences. Take walks more often, listen to music and read books. This will guide you toward the truly important things in life. Don't feel pressured to buy expensive gifts that you cannot afford. Show creativity and talent by fashioning some of the things yourself.
7 - You will be presented with the opportunity to be in charge of an important project. Keep track of whether you are within the budget and show ingenuity in the greater problems. If you have an idea for your own business, this is the time to try it. Don't exaggerate when you promise something to others in order not to give them unrealistic expectations.
8 - Pinpoint what you are proudest of in 2014 and what you want to change, so that you realize how exactly to move forward. You can join different charity causes, with which to help people in need. This way you will also satisfy your hidden need of public attention.
9 - You will make bold plans for the future this month. A new project may fuel you with excitement and enthusiasm. Don't hesitate if you need to make your project public since this way you will attract more people toward it. The days around the holidays will inspire you to make the world a better place.
11 - You are in a vacation mood this month; expect lots of fun with family and friends. Buy new clothes and do everything necessary to feel good. You will feel highly inspired to start new creative projects this month. Your imagination will be working at full capacity.
22 - Throughout December, you will dedicate yourself fully to your love relationship. Romance will dominate your everyday life until the 31st. You can organize a getaway with your partner during the weekends. If you are still single, you need to begin going out more this month and setting up more dates.