To find out what fate has in store for you according to numerology for the entire month of October, calculate your personal number. It is the sum of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding until you get a single digit number or the numbers 11 and 22.
1 - You will need to do charity work throughout this month. Choose the one that is closest to your heart. Now you will get the opportunity for positive changes, that will satisfy your spiritual needs. The work you decide to do must not feed your ego. Volunteering will help you relieve stress.
2 - You will be brimming with energy throughout the entire month. October will present you the opportunity to realize your dreams, as long as they are creatively-oriented. You need to trust your instincts and follow your bliss. Find the courage to risk and try new things. There is no event or person that will get in the way of your goals this month.
3 - A person you care about will have need of your moral support. You need to listen to their problems and help them get rid of their deeply rooted fear. Be sympathetic and do not urge them toward drastic changes. If you're looking for love, October is your lucky month. You may meet someone whom you quickly feel close to.
4 - You will place yourself 1st this month. Feel free to shop, enjoy a new haircut or visit a place you've long dreamed of. You will work hard and enjoy the fruits of your labor. There is a possibility of your loved ones becoming angry because you don't pay enough attention to them. Use the opportunity to further explain your needs.

5 - October will be a productive month for you. Complete the tasks which would have horrified you not too long ago. By the end of the month you will be rewarded for your efforts. The problems which up until recently seemed unsolvable, will remain behind you after this month. Professionally, who will grow quite a lot.
6 - Experiment this month and you'll remain satisfied. You can visit a new restaurant or sign up for a class. You will discover your hidden talents if you try. The experiments will make you more adaptive to changes. Try to have more fun in October as well.
7 - Your caring side will be fully brought to the light during October. Set aside some time for family and friends, make friends with the new neighbors. Expanding your social network will be incredibly beneficial for you. Express your thanks for the kind gestures that you will receive.
8 - October is a suitable time for you to review your plans. If a particular method does not yield results, try a different one. If need be, consult someone about your future projects. Don't reject others' opinions right off, rather, show them that you value them.
9 - Throughout the month you may master a useful skill that will help you increase your income. Even though you're not materially-oriented toward life, you will enjoy great financial freedom in October. The money will help you deal with the stress that you've been accumulating every day for some time.
11 - Challenges throughout the month will be part of your daily life. Take on all obstacles in front of you and you'll be surprised by the headway that you make. You're better off working alone so that you can finish your tasks on schedule. You will be able to gain a good reputation and even a raise.
22 - The people you meet this month will provide benefits for you, both in the personal and professional aspects. You will be attracted to optimists, who open up new horizons for you. Your creativity will be boosted by intellectual stimulation. Use your imagination and enthusiasm for bold new projects.