»Articles»Numerology Horoscope Until October 19th

Numerology Horoscope Until October 19th


To find out what fate has in store for you according to numerology in the days up till October 19th, calculate your personal number. It is the sum of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding until you get a single digit number or the numbers 11 and 22.

1 - This week will be highly emotional for you. If you sense that something is insubstantial, pay it more time and attention and focus on even the smallest detail. If something or someone is making you feel unsure of yourself or in danger, walk away from them.

2 - This week is ideal for you to complete any tasks you've planned. Cross things off one by one on your list and don't worry about the opinions of others. If you feel lonely, go out more and try to meet new people.

3 - Pay greater attention to your family in the coming days. In the past few days, you've spent more time with new technologies instead of with your loved ones and now it's time to change your priorities. It's possible for certain situations and comments to really get under your skin but you need to try to remain calm.

Number 3

4 - The week is perfect for traveling. Be as active as possible, it will be good for you. Do more physical exercises and walk. It is possible for a family secret, that no one is talking about, to cause you discontent throughout the week.

5 - Be careful with the information you receive in the following days. During the week, the rumors and gossip around you will not cease but you need to be cautious regarding the information. Be sure to double-check everything you've heard and worry mainly about yourself, not what others are talking about.

6 - Help out a loved one this week but don't forget that every person has their own path and the right to make mistakes. Remain calm in situations of crisis and remember that whatever happens, you have the strength to get through it and continue in a better direction.

7 - The week will be suitable for assessing the new opportunities before you. Try to avoid stressful situations by hanging out with friends more often. Don't try to deal with the difficulties on your own. Share some of your secrets and you'll feel a great weight lifted off your shoulders.

8 - Make more compromises and give more compliments this week. Your diplomacy will help you harmonize your relations with your partner. Be patient and begin to solve problems that have long been on your mind.

9 - You will feel overburdened with tasks this week. Be more bold and don't let others burden you with their problems. Set aside more time for yourself and you'll feel happier. Solitude will let you rest up and recharge.

11 - Throughout the new week you will be filled with ideas. Start working on projects you've long planned and find your own way to succeed. Take more walks in the coming days and you'll find that your problems aren't as big as you believe them to be.

22 - This week will be perfect for communication. Focus on your social life and organize more meetings with others. You'll enjoy great benefits from your communication with others, especially if you've felt lonely recently.
