The full moon in Pisces this week will bring forth new romantic opportunities. The aspect between Mercury and Jupiter will help commerce, while a sextile between Venus and Pluto will ignite passions.
Aries - Make compromises so that you can rest easy
This week you may be angered quite often, especially on Tuesday when the new moon phase enters into Pisces. You'll be forced to make plenty of compromises during the next few days in order to remain calm. With Mars entering Sagittarius, you'll be encouraged to find new opportunities for development.
Taurus - Be careful with documentation and new people you meet

Be careful with any documents in the beginning of the week, since it's possible for simple mistakes to lead to delays. On Tuesday you can organize a meeting with friends to take your mind off of things. It is advised to avoid meeting any new people this week. With Mars entering Sagittarius, your intimate life will change drastically.
Gemini - Excellent opportunities at work
Beginning September 8th, you will be given the opportunity to show your talents and skills in the best possible manner. On Tuesday, slight difficulties at work may set in, and you must not ignore the problems. In the middle of the week you will have the perfect opportunity to make an advantageous bargain. During the weekend, you can dedicate yourself fully to your partner and friends.
Cancer - You focus your attention on your health and work
The full moon this Tuesday will present you with the opportunities for travel and adventure. The movement of Mars into Sagittarius will focus your attention on your health and work. You can sign up for a gym and explore potential workplaces if you're not happy with your current job.

Leo - Try something new
At the beginning of the week, your vagaries will really irritate others. In the middle of the week, you need to take up something new, while using your creative talents. Once Mars enters into fiery Sagittarius at the end of the week, you can take a break and have fun.
Virgo - Set some time aside for meditation
Because of the full moon this Tuesday you may receive mixed signals regarding your relations with your partner, which may confuse you. Set some time aside for meditation and quiet reflection. Once things settle down, you will be completely sure about what to do.
Libra - Don't overwhelm yourself with work obligations
Try to ease up on your work schedule in the beginning of the week since the full moon in Pisces won't be ruling over you. By taking short breaks more often you'll be able to work more efficiently. The next few days will be ideal for business meetings and meetings with friends.
Scorpio - You will spend money on loved ones and friends
Throughout the new week, you will fully dedicate yourself to romance. On Tuesday, you need to be careful with your words since you may offend someone. Once Mars enters Sagittarius, you will have the urge to spend your money on your loved ones and friends.
Sagittarius - Think before you speak
At the beginning of the week, your temper will heat up and you may spontaneously say things you don't mean. Weigh your words so you don't have any regrets later on. At the end of the week you will become more calm and tractable, with a newfound boost of energy once Mars enters your sign.
Capricorn - Don't be too hasty in making conclusions

This week you will be more sensitive and more on the lookout for romance than usual. However, you shouldn't be too quick to jump to conclusions, for things are not always what they seem. The week presents you with remarkable opportunities for great deals. The spiritual within you and your intuition will intensify at the end of the week.
Aquarius - Countless temptations before you
The temptations before you throughout the new week will be immeasurable. You may end up spending more money than is necessary. Midweek, you may be lured into a relationship. Think well on it before you accept and definitely seek the advice of a loved one.
Pisces - You will be overly sensitive
At the beginning of the week you will be way too sensitive and you may be upset by even the smallest thing. You need to solve your problems peacefully, avoiding drama. At the end of the week you will think well on your career. Follow your goals through to the end.