Two squares will make the week of November 16 - 22 rife with tension in the air. This will most affect the cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn because the aspects are between Uranus - Pluto and Saturn - Neptune.
Aries - be patient and seek cooperation
You will need to summon up all of your patience this week so that you feel calmer and your week goes by without unnecessary turmoil. The days leading up to Wednesday are suitable for buying and selling, and even for getting a loan. However, expect complications in love, especially during the weekend. Don't manifest your usual stubbornness and inflexibility, instead try to cooperate more with your partner.

Taurus - it's time for love
Love will be the only thing on your mind this week. Those in a relationship can enjoy each other's company by organizing a romantic getaway or setting aside enough time to be alone. For singles, this week is the ideal period for finding a new love, with the relationship being lasting and the feelings - mutual. Don't avoid the problems that pop up, be bolder and more direct, taking responsibility in your hands and overcoming the obstacles.
Gemini - fixate your attention on your kids and work
No major changes are coming this week, so you can focus on your tasks at work without any worries. But don't forget about the family situation, especially if you have kids. Spend more time with them in the coming days, you'll even have plenty of fun yourself. Your creative thinking will be at its zenith and if you're working in a creative field you'll achieve tremendous successes.
Cancer - serious tasks at work coming up
Heaps of responsibilities at work will fall on your shoulders this week. But don't panic, just manage your time so you can complete the most important tasks. Loved ones may anger you about trivialities but now is not the time for arguments since you'll have need of support. Put the necessary time and effort into the projects that require them; you'll feel satisfied later. Take advantage of every opportunity for travel or training.
Leo - invest money into your development
This week you are advised to invest in your own self improvement. You can sign up for a language course or other class in order to enhance your professional skills. Invest in your home also, renovate a little. At the end of the week you'll most likely bump heads with your partner about old issues that you've avoided discussing. Talk openly and clear up any problems.

Virgo - count on your luck and organizational skills
You'll use your excellent organizational skills this week. No matter what types of problems you have, you'll easily find the solution to any obstacles at work, all thanks to your analytical thinking and practical approach. You can count on your luck and take more risks. Your loved ones will also be by your side and assist you if needed. Turbulence is possible in love relations though... and even the involvement of a 3rd person.
Libra - powerful emotions will guide you all week
You'll be overflowing with romantic feelings until November 22. Emotions will guide you all week, while you'll feel a tremendous need to show and prove your love to your partner. Singles will direct their feelings toward others, showing how loving and kind they are to everyone they meet. The week is suitable for starting projects of a financial nature. Keep your eyes peeled and don't miss out on opportunities with which you can earn extra money. Be cautious in your communication with coworkers.
Scorpio - watch out for scammers
Be extremely careful this week because you may get scammed into losing money. Don't take any financial risks and don't trust get-rich-quick schemes. Your emotions and passion will be stronger than ever; those in a relationship will quickly direct these at their partner. You may be more jealous and sensitive but try to be more reasonable in your reactions, in order not to stir up too much trouble in your relationship.
Sagittarius - lots of great hardships at work
Stress and fiery emotions will shake up your usual routine at the workplace. Expect serious problems ahead that won't be resolved quickly and if you don't pull yourself together right away you'll be forced to endure the consequences of your lack of seriousness for months. It will be hard for you to put forth your ideas in the collective since you'll ever more often be the weird, misunderstood one. Find time for creative activities, to get your mind off the problems and seek your loved ones in times of hardship.

Capricorn - others will demand way too much from you
This week you'll have to be more responsible. You'll be burdened with serious demands at the workplace, in your family and in love, which you'll be expected to meet. It will be hard for you to accept the things you can't control but even if you have the feeling you can't handle anything, don't overly criticize yourself. For those in a relationship, the time has come to show more of their character and take down the walls they hide behind.
Aquarius - the week is perfect for work
An easy and productive week awaits you professionally. You won't face any big problems and can go about your business as normal. Your efforts will be generously rewarded and you can set aside more time for your work. Don't miss the opportunity to earn extra money for the upcoming holidays by asking if you'll be getting paid overtime. You can also look for a second job.
Pisces - you'll be more sensitive
Neptune gets out of its retrograde phase this week; this will fully unlock your sensitive nature. You may take events harder than usual and find it arduous to find the balance between reason and feelings. Your worries will intensify and you'll discover that a lot of people have taken advantage of your good nature. Put your energy only into projects which may quickly yield results.