1/3 of a person's lifetime is spent sleeping, claim American scientists. And that's not even the worst of it. How much sleep does a person need?
The answer is easy: it depends on the person. Napoleon slept 3 to 4 hours daily, Leo Tolstoy - 5 - 6, which was also as much as Thomas Edison needed.
In contrast, 9 hours for the night were not enough for Albert Einstein. The genius physicist also never missed the opportunity to nap in the afternoon as well. In fact, John F. Kennedy did the same. More than once he stated that he indeed owed his success to his afternoon nap.
As a whole, people who sleep less are more active. The amount of sleep can determine one's genius because IQ is higher in those who sleep less hours.
What's also true is that people who sleep less than 6 hours a day die young 1.5 times more often than the rest.

So, don't envy Napoleon: he won many battles but was unable to get his beauty sleep even once until the end of his days.
Geniuses still do sleep, even though only a little. And when they do, they see things in their dreams, which are sometimes written in the golden pages of human history.
Mendeleev saw his periodic table in his sleep. Edison dreamed of an electric light bulb. Carl Gauss - the law of induction, Niels Bohr - the model of the atom, Alexander Fleming - the formula for penicillin.
Albert Einstein witnessed the relationship between space and time in nightmare-filled dreams. Sleep is divided into 2 main stages - the phase of rapid eye movement and the phase of non-rapid eye movement.
In the former, a person sees all kinds of things when dreaming and can even remember them. However, this is not enough.
After waking, dreams must be written down, for they can lead to great discoveries or at least predict our future.