Taureans and Leos are known for their love of the beautiful and luxurious. Both zodiac sign representatives like for everything to have something beautiful in it and if possible, to have fun from a distance.
Whether it's because of their great desire or something else entirely, it's a fact that they both manage to become the center of attention and draw looks from others. At first glance, to others it may seem that the Leo man is the leader in the relationship. But this is not so.
Actually, in the eyes of others, this is an exceptionally cohesive couple. Even if there are problems between them, they usually remain unseen to others, which further makes them exemplary and the center of attention in the society that they're living in.

There is no lack of problems between them but they are not particularly serious. The authoritative Leo often tries to command at home but it just can't happen. The female Taurus is quite willful and would never allow anyone to tell her what to do.
According to the Taurus woman, it is enough that in the eyes of loved ones, he is the one whose opinion she listens to - it is not necessary for this to be truly so. Male Leos must not forget that they have a woman by their side that clearly knows what she wants and in this relationship, they are the ones who must submit.

In truth, there is a strong love and understanding between these two zodiac signs. Usually their arguments are quite heated but once they end, things are as before.
One problem that might occur between them is jealousy. In this case, the more jealous one is the lady. The Taurus woman has a strong sense of possession and the thought that someone might take that which she sees as her own is not to her taste at all.
For the Taurus woman, everything that she has shown jealousy for has rightly deserved her attention.
Much time must pass before they both clearly realize that they are meant to be and that the foolish drama is futile. The love between them is strong. Sexually, there is great passion between them. It is even greater after a bitter argument.