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What Prominent Scientists are Saying about the Zombie ApocalypseThe CDC has an emergency plan for a zombie apocalypse
The American Center for Disease Control and Prevention has a plan of action in case of a zombie apocalypse....
10 Nov.
It`s True! The US is Training Soldiers to Fight off Zombie AttacksThese vary from ordinary undead, to zombies created by airborne bacteria and pathogens, black magic zombies created by an unknown source, all the way through to zombie-vegetarians....
10 Nov.
The secret of the living deadThe most famous story is about a man turning into a zombie, he was Klervius Narcissus. His picture shows him sat on his own grave, in the 80\'s the same picture was seen around the world....
12 Feb.
Buried aliveBecause of these cases, stories of zombies arose. More than once, gravediggers in different places around the world have heard noises from a neighboring grave, while digging a new one....
14 Aug.
The Strangest Beliefs about HalloweenOn the 31st of October, millions of otherwise nice and normal people will dress up as witches, vampires, zombies, aliens, pirates, ghosts and who knows what else....
31 Oct.