»Dream Dictionary»What Does it Mean When you Dream of Cherries or Plums
Cherries When you see cherries in your dream, you are to soon find love.......
PlumsDreaming that you see red or yellow plums , suggests that the circumstances and conditions of your work place ...
Green plumsIf you dream that you eat green plums you are to grieve for one's mistakes.......
Canoe or kayakTo dream you see a canoe or kayak, means you should not hurry to tie candidate partners who know you should not ...
Monk or NunTo dream of a monk or nun, suggests that a friend is not sure if your favorite person is faithful to you .......
PlushDreaming that you see plush toys, means you will have illusions and delusions.......
I love youIf you dream that you love someone - you can quickly expect happiness and love.......
WhaleIf you dream of being on the whale , a greater force will be working in your favor.......
WheatDreaming of wheat , foretells that you will live a rich life and have good cash.......
PlugTo dream of a plug , means you will use a mediator, or you will entrust a courier mission.......
Phone CallDreaming of a phone call, means you are not to pick a significant relationship or someone does not perform wha...1
Declaration of loveTo dream of someone declaring their love, means you will find yourself trapped.......1
Theft of carIf you dream of stealing a car, suggests you will jeopardize anything.......
Box of cigarettesTo dream of a box of cigarettes, means you realize that you have hopes in vain.......
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