
Horse and Stable

What does it mean to dream of Horse and Stable?
Horse and Stable

1. To dream you buy a beautiful and powerful horse, means you will marry a good woman..

2. To dream you ride with a gallop, indicates wealth..

3. To dream that you prepare your dream horse, means you will provide large financial benefits..

4. To dream of a white horse, means you will be happy..

5. To dream of grooming the horse, suggests you will enjoy welfare and benefits..

6. To dream you see a lone rider, suggests that you will have news..

7. To dream of a black horse, means you are to be in trouble..

8. To dream you see wild horses, suggests that you are liberal..

9. To dream you see a dead, wounded or sick horse, indicates you have your failures..

10. To dream of a red horse, suggests you have glory and honor..

11. To dream you steal horses, suggests your at risk of cheating..

12. To dream of an unbroken horse, suggests a sex symbol..

13. To dream you groom a horse, means you will have a suitor or lover..

14. To dream you ride a horse, means you will have success..

15. To dream you are a horseman, means you have a great marriage..

16. To dream a horse kicks you, means you are conflicting with enemies..

17. To dream you like the horse, means you will suffer failure..

18. To dream of a horse feeding, means you will strive for independence..

19. To dream you are part of a dream horse team, suggests you are to start a new job..


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