»Dream Dictionary»I saw the Virgin Mary in my Dream
Virgin MaryIf you see an icon in your dream of the Virgin Mary , it suggests you will find solace of hope.......21
Virgin MaryTo dream that you see the Virgin Mary , means that someone will talk or smile at you or you could soon be having ...1
SawDreaming of a broken saw , indicates that you may expect sexual problems and losses.......
VirginTo dream of a virgin , suggests you will succeed in unfair proceedings.......
Dream with my boygriendIf you dream of your boyfriend, you do a job that they currently handle completely.......
Walk in the woodsTo dream of walking in the forest, means you should not hesitate in making an important decision.......
Flying in the skyFlying in the sky in your dream means you will be exalted in the office, you will achieve your desires and g...
MarsTo dream of a Martian on Mars , means you will harm you or insult your friends.......
MarcTo dream of Marc , means you will find the right way to go in life and find a suitable person to match.......
MareTo dream a mare , suggests you will find a solution to the problem and will get relief from illness or burden.......
MarryDreaming that you marry means progress and success, while dreaming that you have already managed to marry means happ...
Mother MaryIf you see Mother Mary in your dream , you will find solace.......
Flying high in the airFlying in a dream means you will be exalted in the office, you will achieve your goals and desires and will adva...
My sonIf you sleep dream of a son, you will begin a new job with many options, you will get serious offers.......
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