1. If you see an icon in your dream of the Virgin Mary, it suggests you will find solace of hope..
Mysteries24.com»Dream Dictionary»Virgin Mary
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I was in front of the Virgin Mary, she came alive and at the same time she was giving birth and touch me at the same time, what does means?

Someone help me interpreted this dream please.. I was in the front yard of my aunts house and saw a statue of Mary and the more I looked at her the more she came alive, beautiful white crystals shining as I waved to her she waved back smiling at me :) what does that mean?

It's all good . She is always with you.

After reading all the comments and comparing dreams, none seem to relate in any context of my lucid dream. I had just gotten in bed and not 10 min had gone by so I believed I was awake but I apparently wasn't. I was in my bed and looking at my closed bedroom door i thought I saw a face but didn't believe it was real since I was awake. I kept looking away but every time I glanced back it got more and more detailed and I realized it was mother Mary as the figure filled in. The face was not comforting at all in the slightest but was menacing instead so at first I couldn't tell who it was. When I realized it was mother Mary in my mind I was absolutely horrified and sat up in bed heart pounding back to reality realizing it was just a dream. I was terrified and had no idea what it meant.... The next night I saw my girlfriend of 7 years, told her about my dream and soon later that night she broke up with me for relationship reasons un related. I'm hoping that this meaning of seeing mother Mary is actually a solice of hope but I really am not sure as the way she was portrayed to me in this lucid dream. Anyone see any other interpretations of this?

I saw the Mother Mary in my dream and she was beautiful.

My mom was in the hospital for 4 months then and i was physically, mentally and emotionally drained with the situation of my mother. i was so desperate and l just reached out to Papa Jesus for help. My dream: i was with a crowd waiting for Mama Mary's statue to pass by pushed by 4 guys. I wanted to touch the statue so bad because in my mind, it will heal my mom if i get to touch the statue. However it was too crowded i cannot reach it. But the statue of Mama Mary moved, looked at me (She had this red dot on her forehead, like a rose petal) and smiled and stretched her hands towards me but then She was whisked away from me by these men. I ran behind the building where i thought the statue will be stored, and i was right. The 4 men was there with the ststue and i asked them if i can touch the statue even for just a second and they said "no, we need to store Her now". I said ok, but then these guys left the statue of Mary on the landing of the stairs and when the guys were gone i ran up as fast as i can, hugged the statue and said my prayers to heal my mom and help the family to be strong, etc and asked for forgiveness. and suddenly the statue moved, She was hugging me. It felt different. like i was floating or something. I looked up at her and She looked straight into my eyes, She smiled at me. Everything around us was a blur but her face so bright and clear i can see every detail in Her face. The red spot on her forehead was gone. I was crying then and i asked her "Mama Mary, please tell me what you want me to do and I will do it." I was talking really fast to Her just in case the 4 guys will come back and will kick me out of the building. And She said, "do not fear. Just come to me. Both of you, come to me." I asked who am I going to take with me and Mama Mary said "you and your mom. The 3 of us, lets pray together" the I woke up. I felt warm, comforted and safe. She looked different from any other icons i've seen. She's beyond beautiful. I cannot explain. She looked peaceful and very angelic! This is one dream i will never forget.

hi good evez to all can i ask if what is the meaning of dreaming a virgin mary ?it was night time they have many people cyring that time and the sea water it become big and its like end of the world and iknow that no people alive that. but when i saw virgin mary and she whants me to hold her and i hold her and ask her help and it was miracles the big sea is gone and all people is happy because they big sea is gone. and 2 times already i dream of virgin mary before my first dream is im holding with virgin mary and my neighbor whants to get the statue of virgin mary but i did not give,,, so hope they have someone help me what is that mean? thank you....

I had a dream of virgin Mary she was holding me like as if I was a infant. I feel safe, warm and protected. Her face was peaceful and she stared into my eyes. I woke up and felt protected and warm. It felt real and it kinda scared me because I never had a dream like this before.

I work at an Elderly Care Facility, and I saw Mother Mary in a window clear as day, I stepped back, as I was taken aback, moved backed forward, and she was there again! I know what I saw, and I moved back and forth to make sure it wasn't a mirage... IT WAS HER!! I felt so warm and comforted after this event. What does this mean??