»Dream Dictionary»Dreams of Electric Shocks
Electric shockTo dream of an electric shock , is a sign that you should not grant your emotions.......
Dream of eatingIf you eat in a dream , you will not enjoy your success.......
dream of waterIf you dream of a water source drying up, it is never nice. Expect poverty and trouble of all kinds.......
Dream of deathIf you dream of death for unknown people, you'll have a nice change.......
Dream of own stoolIf you sit in chairs, you'll be proud of your work or will be respected and honored by others.......
ShockTo dream of an electric shock , indicates that you threaten something.......
ShootsTo dream you cut short shoots on a tree or plant, suggests you will not allow their opponents to take something that...
ShoalsTo dream you are in the shallows, predicts that you will have small trouble and hazards......
ShortsTo dream that you see or got shorts , suggests that you have to be careful not to rob or lose something.......
Sex dreamBeing an observer in a sexual dream means difficulties will come from your own indecision and inertia.......
ShopsIf you dream that you have a store, you will regain lost money.......
ShoesWoman's shoes in a dream are a sign of love and cunning craftiness, and male shoes is a sign for good gains and...3
Loss of memoryTo dream you suffer from memory loss, suggests showing more patience and compassion to you relatives and acquaintances...
Loss of employmentIf you dream you lose your job, it suggest you take your large cash losses.......
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