»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming of a Broken Door
Broken doorIf you dream of a locked door and you can not pass, you're about to ruin your relationship with someone from the fam...
DoorTo dream you see the door of your house, means you are successful.......
DoorsDreaming of many doors is a symbol of a transition, they indicate an emotional or mental passageway.......
Wooden doorTo dream of a wooden door , means you will have guests.......
Wooden DoorIf you dream of a wooden door , expect guests.......
Open doorIf you see an unlocked or wide open door , then your family will win easy money.......
Door bellYou hear a door bell ringing in your dream, you will learn a secret. If you see a door bell, expected change.......
Broken GardenTo dream of a ruined yard, means that you expect trouble at work.......
Broken ToothIf you dream of a broken tooth, worries and problems are ahead.......
Broken MirrorIf you dream of a broken mirror, then you are about to worry about accidents or unhappy love.......
Broken KeyIf your dream that you have a broken key and cannot fit it in the lock, it means separation from parents or spouse.......
Broken windowIf you see in your sleep a broken window, await profanity.......
Broken toothIf you dream of a broken tooth, you will have concerns and problems.......
Broken teethIf you dream of Broken teeth, expect problems and cares.......
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