»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming of Killing a Bear
BearDreaming of a bear in the woods, indicates a gain.......1
Killing, murderTo dream that someone kills insects, suggests that you can have confidence in the support of friends at work.......
killing someoneDreaming of killing someone shows that you will be getting wealth and benefits from schemes and fraud.......
BeadTo dream of beads , suggests that you will wait without any news of a person you love or of someone's return.......
BeamTo dream of a gymnastic beam instrument, means you will have to be very focused to be able to handle your work.......
BearsIf a bear eats in your sleep, you will take care of your family.......
BeamDreaming that you see a beam , suggests that you have fertility, happiness, abundance and wealth.......
White BearTo dream of a white bear , means you love to be in the water.......
Polar bearPolar bear means you're in love and torments are ahead.......
Killing a snake Killing a snake means you will be a winner, but will not enjoy the victory.......
Polar BearsIf you dream of polar bears , it means that you will be tormented in love.......
BeaverTo dream you are being chased and you run from a beaver , foretells of your ignorance in the future.......
BeachIf you dream that you walk on the beach , means no news will be coming from abroad.......
BeansTo dream you pick, eat and cook beans , suggests there is trouble waiting in the family and problems with older relativ...
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