»Dream Dictionary»Dreaming of Hairy Legs
Hairy legsTo dream of a hairy leg , means at home abundance and grace rule.......
HairyIf you dream of hairy hands, you will have wealth and abundance.......
HairyTo dream that someone is hairy , means that you'll laugh.......
LegTo eat, cook or buy your leg in a dream, means that you will break your relationship with your friends for money or......
Pain in legsIf you have pain in your legs in your dream, suggests expected losses and damages.......
HairTo dream of foreign hair , means it is a sign of benefit.......3
Hairy handsTo dream you have hairy hands, means you will have wealth and abundance.......
Hairy faceIf your face is furry or distorted, you will turn your weaknesses into strengths and will turn the curse into a blessing...
Hairy chestIf you dream of a hairy chest, you will have wealth and abundance.......
Severed LegDreaming that your legs are severed, suggests assistance of a friend or trusted person.......
Broken legTo dream of a broken leg , suggests that you would have compromised your dignity or have a lack of confidence.......
Black legTo dream of a black leg , suggests that you may have health problems.......
Loss of memoryTo dream you suffer from memory loss, suggests showing more patience and compassion to you relatives and acquaintances.....
Loss of employmentIf you dream you lose your job, it suggest you take your large cash losses.......
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